OHDSI / Hades

Health Analytics Data-to-Evidence Suite (HADES): A collection of R packages for performing analytics against the Common Data Model.
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Use git remote to avoid PAT tokens #6

Closed sdebruyn closed 3 years ago

sdebruyn commented 3 years ago

Extends upon #5

This uses git as remotes so that you don't run into rate limiting issues and avoids the need for a GitHub PAT token.

schuemie commented 3 years ago

Could you help me understand how this works? Why does this avoid the GitHub download limit?

sdebruyn commented 3 years ago

Remotes seems to use the GitHub API to download and inspect files when you specify the repo as "github". When you mark the remote as a git repository, it should clone it as a regular repository and you not use the API (thus not triggering the rate limit and avoiding the need for a PAT). https://remotes.r-lib.org/reference/install_git.html#examples

I'm still testing this. I'll confirm when it works.

sdebruyn commented 3 years ago

Does not seem to work