Source code used to develop the OHDSI knowledge base of sources with information relevant for assessing assocations between drugs and health outcomes of interest.
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Change to process for acquiring sparql tinyurls to be more scalable and efficient #49
The process for acquiring sparql tinyurls can be more scalable and efficient by simply writing rows to be appended to the lil_urls table when an evidence source's count data is compiled. The only thing to watch is that the id used for the tinyurl is unique. A single query to the db to obtain the highest value would be sufficient.
The process for acquiring sparql tinyurls can be more scalable and efficient by simply writing rows to be appended to the lil_urls table when an evidence source's count data is compiled. The only thing to watch is that the id used for the tinyurl is unique. A single query to the db to obtain the highest value would be sufficient.