OHDSI / OhdsiShinyModules

An R package containing Shiny modules used by various OHDSI Shiny apps
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CohortMethod covariate balance bug and enhancement #18

Open pbr6cornell opened 1 year ago

pbr6cornell commented 1 year ago

1 bug, 1 suggestion for enhancement related to bug:

The covariate balance plot appears to have a rendering issue, whereby when you seek to hover over a dot, the graph jitters, moving the cursor relation to the dot, therefore not allowing the tooltip label to persist.


Enhancement idea:

The table underlying this graph contains covariate mean before and after adjustment for target and comparator, as well as StDiff before and after. We should allow for user to select between viewing the graph above or exploring the table itself. User could then sort or filter on each column (with the main use case being searching a substring in the covariate name field to find the prevalence and stdiff for a particular covariate of interest).

jreps commented 1 year ago

Bug has been fixed in develop. Still need to add a table.