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Convention needed: Treatment intent #566

Open rtmill opened 10 months ago

rtmill commented 10 months ago

1) Determine sufficient concept set

SNOMED has an "intents" category that looks promising. Class: Qualifier Value Domain: Observation

Top level: image

All descendant concepts:

Adjuvant - intent
Habilitation - intent
Screening intent
Curative - procedure intent
Staging - procedure intent
Forensic intent
Diagnostic intent
Prophylaxis - intent
Supportive - procedure intent
Adaptation - intent
Palliative intent
Disease modification - intent
Adjunct - intent
Ritual procedure
Guidance intent
Neo-adjuvant - intent
Preventive intent
Rehabilitation - intent

Descendants of "Therapeutic":

Adjuvant - intent
Habilitation - intent
Curative - procedure intent
Prophylaxis - intent
Supportive - procedure intent
Adaptation - intent
Disease modification - intent
Adjunct - intent
Neo-adjuvant - intent
Rehabilitation - intent

Does this work?

2) How should this information be related to procedures?

There seem to be three disparate possible representations in OMOP:

  1. Observation record with two-part FK to Procedure occurrence record
  2. Using Fact Relationship table to connect Observation and Procedure
  3. Using the modifier_concept_id within procedure_occurrence

( 3 seems like a bad idea, given procedures can have multiple modifiers )

rtmill commented 8 months ago

Proposal: From latest mCode

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">

Procedure Intent Value Set |   |   |   |   -- | -- | -- | -- | -- Procedure Intent Value Set | SNOMED CT |   | 129428001 | Preventive - intent Procedure Intent Value Set | SNOMED CT |   | 261004008 | Diagnostic intent Procedure Intent Value Set | SNOMED CT |   | 360156006 | Screening - procedure intent Procedure Intent Value Set | SNOMED CT |   | 363676003 | Palliative - procedure intent Procedure Intent Value Set | SNOMED CT |   | 373808002 | Curative - procedure intent Procedure Intent Value Set | SNOMED CT |   | 399707004 | Supportive - procedure intent Procedure Intent Value Set | SNOMED CT |   | 429892002 | Guidance intent Procedure Intent Value Set | SNOMED CT |   | 447295008 | Forensic intent

gkennos commented 8 months ago

From our clinical system, the mCode proposal very nearly provides coverage. Would prefer an option for distinguishing neoadjuvant from adjuvant. Happy to map adjuvant to curative, but without neoadjuvant option as well, we lose something mapping them both to curative?