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How to structure a tumor grade hierarchy to enable searchability in Cancer Modifier #569

Closed kzollove closed 3 months ago

kzollove commented 10 months ago

One example of top-level grade concept https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms/35918328

rtmill commented 8 months ago

The issue: The values within Staging and grading are the top of their respective hierarchies. To make it searchable and easy to navigate, should we insert relations to parent concepts to group them?

Examples: Grade 1 tumor has no parent concept TNM and Stage Group both have the highest level concept as "AJCC/UICC finding"

The goal would be to have concepts a user could click on and then navigate all standard concepts that fit within "grade", "stage", etc, as right now there is no grouper for them.

Option A) Create new concepts within Cancer Modifier to encapsulate these groups Option B) Leverage a grouper concept from another vocabulary (e.g. SNOMED), assuming all child-concepts are de-duplicated Option C) Another plan

rtmill commented 3 months ago

Covered by #558 - proposal will go there

rtmill commented 3 months ago

Duplicate content of #558

Comments copied from this ticket over to that one.

Closing this ticket.