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Address Missing Morphology codes in ICDO3 #625

Open odikia opened 8 months ago

odikia commented 8 months ago

Brought to the attention of the Oncology WG by @mgurley :


direct Teams link (note: must be in OHDSI tenant and OncologyWG channel to access)

odikia commented 8 months ago

Mike's text:

So the issue I raised about missing morphology codes is more a problem with ICDO3.2 itself than the morphology codes present in OMOP. The WHO Blook books are coming up with new morphologies, for example, The fifth version of the World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System (WHO CNS5), but ICDO 3.2 has lagged, so the new morphologies are given the same codes with two different descriptions and thus if you only have the code from your registry you won't be able to know under which description it was assigned.

The fifth edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System: Implications for cancer registries https://academic.oup.com/neuro-oncology/article/24/11/1811/6649746

And CNS is not the only one https://tumourclassification.iarc.who.int/welcome/#