OHDSI / SelfControlledCaseSeries

An R package for performing Self-Controlled Case Series (SCCS) analyses in an observational database in the OMOP Common Data Model.
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Error with #26

Closed Xintong-Li-ZnCu closed 2 years ago

Xintong-Li-ZnCu commented 3 years ago

I received this error with the function createSccsIntervalData Error in convertToSccs(cases = cases, outcomes = outcomes, eras = eras, : Evaluation error: no such savepoint: dbWriteTable_689271_cehxwuoege. The dependent packages in use are: DatabaseConnector: develop, RSQLite: 2.2.7

schuemie commented 3 years ago

I'm unable to reproduce this error. Could you provide a bit more context? Could you run summary(sccsData) to see how many cases there are? And getAttritionTable(studyPop) to see the attrition?

Xintong-Li-ZnCu commented 3 years ago

Please see the following:

> summary(sccsData)
SccsData object summary

Exposure cohort ID(s): 1
Outcome cohort ID(s): 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Outcome counts:
  Outcome Subjects Outcome Events Outcome Observation Periods
1            97399         542428                      315892
2             4529          38519                       14689
3            22832         111072                       74249
4           142072        2187442                      459964
5           121026         653217                      391543
6           263981        3396265                      853531
7           131146         862095                      422430

Number of era types: 8
Number of eras: 8587039

I think I have enough events for the analysis.

> getAttritionTable(studyPop)
# A tibble: 2 x 5
  outcomeId description        outcomeSubjects outcomeEvents outcomeObsPeriods
      <dbl> <chr>                        <dbl>         <dbl>             <dbl>
1         1 Outcomes                     97399        542428            315892
2         1 First outcome only           97399        315892            315892`
>         sccsIntervalData_ageseason <- createSccsIntervalData(studyPopulation = studyPop,
+                                                    sccsData = sccsData,
+                                                    eraCovariateSettings = list(covarVaxAZ,
+                                                                                covarPreVaxAZ),
+                                                    ageCovariateSettings = ageCovariateSettings,
+                                                    seasonalityCovariateSettings = seasonalityCovariateSettings)
Converting person data to SCCS intervals. This might take a while.
Warning: warning: ORDER BY is ignored in subqueries without LIMIT
ℹ Do you need to move arrange() later in the pipeline or use window_order() instead?

                                |  43%Error in convertToSccs(cases = cases, outcomes = outcomes, eras = eras,  : 
  Evaluation error: no such savepoint: dbWriteTable_699523_yflxtgdmay.

This happened after I changed the RSQLite to the developer version once. Later I changed it back to 2.2.7 and this error showed up.

schuemie commented 3 years ago

The error message point to problems writing to the Andromeda file. Is the AndromedaTempFolder on a local drive or network drive? What operating system are you running? Is there enough space in the AndromedaTempFolder ?