OHDSI / SkeletonPredictionStudy

A skeleton package to use as a template for studies developing prediction models
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cohortDiagnostics in plp skeleton? #7

Open ChungsooKim opened 3 years ago

ChungsooKim commented 3 years ago

How about adding the cohortDiagnostics function in patient level prediction skeleton? The cohortDiagnostic function is useful, but I always implant it manually. I already have experience with that, so I can share and put the PR.

jreps commented 3 years ago

I agree :). We are thinking about ways to combine the different study type jsons (e.g., cohortDiagnostic json, characterization json and prediction json) into one study package - that should then make it easy to run the diagnostic before the prediction. Let us know if you have any Ideas for this