OHDSI / WhiteRabbit

WhiteRabbit is a small application that can be used to analyse the structure and contents of a database as preparation for designing an ETL. It comes with RabbitInAHat, an application for interactive design of an ETL to the OMOP Common Data Model with the help of the the scan report generated by White Rabbit.
Apache License 2.0
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Error with system-versionned table on MSSQL #299

Open novitito opened 3 years ago

novitito commented 3 years ago

hi, the console report an error when the scan concerned a table with system-versionned activated in MSSQL (see temporal table https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/sql/relational-databases/tables/temporal-tables?view=sql-server-ver15)

Error is : "Error: Field "StartTime" not found " thank you

MaximMoinat commented 3 years ago

Hi @novitito. WhiteRabbit has not been tested with system versioned tables. For my information, are you trying to scan both the current table and the history table?

A simple work-around can be to create a view on the table without the start and end time columns, and scan the view.

novitito commented 3 years ago

hi, Thanks for your quick answer, i thought at this idea but i discovered that : https://github.com/OHDSI/WhiteRabbit/issues/280 Is it corrected and integrated into last release please ?

MaximMoinat commented 3 years ago

This has not been fixed yet. As I don't have a MSSQL database myself to test this on, it is tricky to implement. Help is very welcome to tackle this.