OHDSI / dbt-synthea

[Under development] A dbt ETL project to convert a Synthea synthetic data set into the OMOP CDM
Apache License 2.0
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Add cross-database macros where needed to ensure SQL queries work on all OHDSI-supported database platforms #39

Open katy-sadowski opened 3 weeks ago

katy-sadowski commented 3 weeks ago

Cross-database macros are offered by dbt to compile sql depending on the target DBMS: https://docs.getdbt.com/reference/dbt-jinja-functions/cross-database-macros

The goal of this issue is to assess what SQL statements in the project will not translate across all DBMS, and replace them with a cross-DB macro (if possible).

OHDSI supported platforms: https://ohdsi.github.io/Hades/supportedPlatforms.html