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FeatureRequest: to add `vocabulary` argument in mockCdmReference() #65

Closed catalamarti closed 1 month ago

catalamarti commented 2 months ago

This argument will determine which vocabulary is added, all vocabulary tables will be created, but their content will be different depending on the mode.

My proposed options:

What do you think @edward-burn ? @ilovemane seemed happy with this option

edward-burn commented 2 months ago

hmmm no strong opinions from me (for a change), I'm just wondering if it is better as an argument, or separate functions (that you could pass after creating the initial mock)?

ilovemane commented 2 months ago

mockvocabulary(concept_set = list()), assumpt to be standard,

concept_id =, standard = ", relationships = "random"

take xx concept, make conditions table with the concept.