OHI-Baltic / bhi-expert-discussions

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BHI 2.0: should any other goals or subgoals be added/revised/split/removed? #2

Open eleanorecc opened 4 years ago

eleanorecc commented 4 years ago

The BHI1.0 included:

Goal Subgoal Goal Name Subgoal Name
AO Artisanal Fishing Opportunity
BD SPP Biodiversity Species
CS Carbon Storage
CW CON Clean Water Contaminants
CW EUT Clean Water Eutrophication
CW TRA Clean Water Trash
FP FIS Food Provision Wild-caught Fisheries
FP MAR Food Provision Mariculture
LE ECO Livelihoods & Economies Economies
LE LIV Livelihoods & Economies Livelihoods
NP Natural Products
SP ICO Sense of Place Iconic Species
SP LSP Sense of Place Lasting Special Places
TR Tourism & Recreation
eleanorecc commented 4 years ago

General consensus: develop existing goals more, rather than adjusting or adding new ones

Suggestions we've received on things to develop:

tblen commented 4 years ago

From Andrea Belgrano: I’m agree with the comments/suggestions so far, regarding further considerations on how to expand existing goals these are my thoughts:

i) for Biodiversity we could think about trying to capture a more functional approach as for example using trophic guilds (also one of the current ToRs in our ICES WGBIODIV work in progress) I’m attaching a conceptual review from TREE as an example for generating new ideas. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2015.03.014

Ii) think more about how to capture explicitly ecosystem services and in particular also cultural ecosystem services

iii) link to the SDGs goals and how the BHI can be used for highlighting gaps and proposed actions.