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CBD answers and OHI calculation #12

Open OHIColombia opened 8 years ago

OHIColombia commented 8 years ago

Hello, How layers related to answers to CBD survey are considered in the OHI calculation? Thank you.

ningningj commented 8 years ago

The Convention on Biological Diversity country questionnaire (Third National Report to the CBD, from 2005) describes rules/regulations/laws to protect against the following pressures: habitat destruction, alien species, mariculture, tourism, water pollution. Survey answers were quantified and used as resilience layers for mainly biodiversity-related goals (Habitat, Species, Iconic species, etc).

More information on the relationship between CBD survey questions and resilience layers can be found on this table in the supplemental material to the Halpern et.al 2012 paper: image

Summary of CBD questions used in OHI:

Alien species

Has your country put in place mechanisms to control pathways of introduction of alien species in the marine and coastal environment? Please check all that apply and elaborate on types of measures in the space below.

b) Mechanisms to control potential invasions from ballast water have been put in place c) Mechanisms to control potential invasions from hull fouling have been put in place (please provide details below) d) Mechanisms to control potential invasions from aquaculture have been put in place (please provide details below) e) Mechanisms to control potential invasions from accidental releases, such as aquarium releases, have been put in place (please provide details below)

Habitat 153

Do your country’s strategies and action plans include the following? a) Developing new marine and coastal protected areas b) Improving the management of existing marine and coastal protected areas c) Building capacity within the country for management of marine and coastal resources, including through educational programmes and targeted research initiatives e) Protection of areas important for reproduction, such as spawning and nursery areas g) Controlling excessive fishing and destructive fishing practices

Habitat 158

Which of the following statements can best describe the current status of marine and coastal protected areas in your country? a) Marine and coastal protected areas have been declared and gazetted b) Management plans for these marine and coastal protected areas have been developed with involvement of all stakeholders c) Effective management with enforcement and monitoring has been put in place f) The national system of marine and coastal protected areas includes areas managed for purpose of sustainable use, which may allow extractive activities g) The national system of marine and coastal protected areas includes areas which exclude extractive uses h) The national system of marine and coastal protected areas is surrounded by sustainable management practices over the wider marine and coastal environment.

Mariculture 158

Which of the following statements can best describe the current status of marine and coastal protected areas in your country? d) A national system or network of marine and coastal protected areas is under development

Mariculture 158

Is your country applying the following techniques aimed at minimizing adverse impacts of mariculture on marine and coastal biodiversity? a) Application of environmental impact assessments for mariculture developments b) Development and application of effective site selection methods in the framework of integrated marine and coastal area management c) development of effective methods for effluent and waste control d) Development of appropriate genetic resource management plans at the hatchery level e) Development of controlled hatchery and genetically sound reproduction methods in order to avoid seed collection from nature. f) If seed collection from nature cannot be avoided, development of environmentally sound practices for spat collecting operations, including use of selective fishing gear to avoid by-catch g) Use of native species and subspecies in mariculture h) Implementation of effective measures to prevent the inadvertent release of mariculture species and fertile polypoids. i) Use of proper methods of breeding and proper places of releasing in order to protect genetic diversity j) Minimizing the use of antibiotics through better husbandry techniques k) Use of selective methods in commercial fishing to avoid or minimize bycatch l) Considering traditional knowledge, where applicable, as a source to develop sustainable mariculture techniques

Tourism 79

Has your country established mechanisms to assess, monitor and measure the impact of tourism on biodiversity? a) No b) No, but mechanisms are under development c) Yes, mechanisms are in place (please specify below) d) Yes, existing mechanisms are under review

Tourism 80

Has your country provided educational and training programmes to the tourism operators so as to increase their awareness of the impacts of tourism on biodiversity and upgrade the technical capacity at the local level to minimize the impacts? a) No b) No, but programmes are under development c) Yes, programmes are in place (please describe below)

Tourism 82

Does your country provide indigenous and local communities with capacity-building and financial resources to support their participation in tourism policy-making, development planning, product development and management? a) No b) No, but relevant programmes are being considered c) Yes, some programmes are in place d) Yes, comprehensive programmes are in place


Do your country’s strategies and action plans include the following? d) Instituting improved integrated marine and coastal area management (including catchments management) in order to reduce sediment and nutrient loads into the marine environment f) Improving sewage and other waste treatment

OHIColombia commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much for the complete information!