OHS-Hosting-Infrastructure / complaint-tracker

**This repo is currently not in active development.** Increasing visibility into complaint status by connecting data across the OHS ecosystem
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Task for 201: Associate monitoring review with complaint #205

Closed jduss4 closed 2 years ago

jduss4 commented 2 years ago

This task is part of #201

Full User Story: As a program specialist I want to manually link a complaint to a monitoring review (in IT-AMS) So that I can see basic information about the review when I view a complaint

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jduss4 commented 2 years ago

Just noticed this (https://github.com/OHS-Hosting-Infrastructure/complaint-tracker/blob/main/app/views/complaints/show.html.erb#L19)

              TTA Activity:

AFAIK you can't have a <div> inside of a <p> so we'll probably want to revisit that when adding something similar for a review