OHS-Hosting-Infrastructure / complaint-tracker

**This repo is currently not in active development.** Increasing visibility into complaint status by connecting data across the OHS ecosystem
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Session Time out #61

Open matt-dobson opened 2 years ago

matt-dobson commented 2 years ago

User Story: As a Program Specialist I want to be the only person that uses my account So that unauthorized people don't access sensitive complaints information

Acceptance: Given that I am a Program Specialist When I have been inactive for 75 mins (the same amount of time as HSES uses to log out inactive users) Then the Complaints Tracker will give me a notification that my session is timing out 15 mins before the end of my session with an (limited time?) opportunity to extend my session by ____ amount of time

If I do not extend

Then the tracker logs me out and provides a message saying why I have been logged out and a button to log in again.

jduss4 commented 2 years ago

Response from Alana: https://gsa-tts.slack.com/archives/C026KUV3JBU/p1628865968005000

matt-dobson commented 2 years ago

needs time - 2hrs?

matt-dobson commented 2 years ago

Needs an actual API response to exist.

matt-dobson commented 2 years ago

From @Sgtpluck : Accessibility requires the ability to extend a session, so we need to track if the time of someone’s session and then give them the option to extend (probably by hitting HSES to extend their session? not sure.)


matt-dobson commented 2 years ago

This still needs details on session time, countdown time, and extension time.