OHSU-Library / github-tutorial

Introduction to GitHub for Creative Collaboration
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Project management #11

Open ThorntonT opened 7 years ago

ThorntonT commented 7 years ago

What's the best way to start a project in GitHub? Setting up a new "repository" or a "page" like the one Dan showed us for the Tutorial last week? (I think I understand the basic functionality but I'm not sure where to start, just from a workflow perspective.)

Can GitHub support the monitor and control elements of project management?

jmcmurry commented 7 years ago

Well it depends on what you're trying to accomplish? Is this a library project or a personal one?

ThorntonT commented 7 years ago

I'm thinking of library projects in general--I'll have a better idea once I'm actually working with people on projects. I'm basically looking for ways to monitor scope at the project level, and then at an "umbrella" level monitor projects against objectives in the library's strategic plan (without knowing what the output of that actually looks like yet). So "tracking," used in various ways, is a key feature that I suspect I'll need.

That said, I don't really know much about the way projects are managed in the library now, but as this is part of the revised Office Manager job description I'm on the lookout for helpful tools!

jmcmurry commented 7 years ago

OK; for now, to get the hang of things, go ahead and create a repo in your own space (use the plus button to the top right in the home screen of github.com/thorntont. You can always transfer ownership of your repo to OHSU-Library later if useful.

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