OHSUCMP / coach

web application frontend for OHSU HTN U18 grant
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Monitoring recommendation is disabled in prod, but still enabled by default. should we change this? #178

Open mattStorer opened 4 months ago

mattStorer commented 4 months ago

It appears that we've disabled the Monitoring recommendation in PROD, but this recommendation is still enabled in default configurations.

Do we want to change this? Should Monitoring be disabled by default?

This will make a difference when we deploy COACH at MU and VUMC.

aeyates commented 4 months ago

@mattStorer Do you have some context for this question? The monitoring recommendation isn't disabled in prod and shouldn't be.

mattStorer commented 4 months ago

@aeyates I remember discussion around this some time ago, vaguely. but I could be misremembering that. I do see that we don't specify the Monitoring recommendation in application.properties in the cqfruler.cdshooks.order.csv property, but - now that I think about it a bit harder - this doesn't list all of the recommendations that get displayed, it just enforces the order in which we want them to be displayed. any recommendations not listed in these sets should get included by their natural ordering after the enforced ordering is completed.

maybe we just didn't want the Monitoring recommendation to appear more prominently? that may have been the case.

storer@coach-virt ~/coach/conf/coach $ grep plandefinition application.properties*