OHSUCMP / coach

web application frontend for OHSU HTN U18 grant
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OMRON Synchronizing Text Update #192

Closed aeyates closed 2 months ago

aeyates commented 2 months ago

Interim solution for #188

The problem: "COACH participants have reported confusion with respect to the Omron sync process, specifically with respect to the status message displayed to the home screen informing them that Omron is still synchronizing. This message doesn't auto-refresh, or provide any indication as to how far through the process it might be, which leads participants to sit there staring at their screen wondering when it'll be safe to refresh or log out or do anything else."

Temporary solution: Display a more informative message for now so users know they can click away as long as they don't log out and they can refresh the page to check if the sync is done.

aeyates commented 2 months ago

I added an alert class to the OMRON section. Waiting for feedback on text and UI treatment.
