OHSUCMP / coach

web application frontend for OHSU HTN U18 grant
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implement end-of-study logic #214

Open mattStorer opened 1 week ago

mattStorer commented 1 week ago

We need to have a static page created in COACH that is displayed to users at the end of their time in the study, with details, and perhaps restrictions enforced against their access to the system (maybe?)

We need to nail down the text for this page, what we want to communicate to users, and exactly what else we want to enforce or enact in that space.

This is associated with ticket #65 but relates to the specific implementation of that desired logic.

mattStorer commented 6 days ago

notes from MU, from email 7/3/2024:

  • Afraid if the 'end of trial' text appears in the COACH app, that participants will not complete their 6-month survey.
  • Therefore, MU suggests the 'end of trial' text appears after participants take the 6-month survey or if they don't take the survey, after the last reminder goes out (after 7 month mark?)
  • We also suggest reinforcing the end of trial at the same time of sending participant compensation.
  • Text could be auto-populated in REDCap so it automatically goes out after participants take the survey.

Text for Intervention group: Congrats! You’re done! Thank you for completing this survey. Your participation in the 6-month research study of COACH has ended, however, you still have full access to the COACH application and can continue to use it to help manage your blood pressure.

Text for Control group: Congrats! You’re done! Thank you for completing this survey. Your participation in the 6-month research study of COACH has ended, however, you still have full access to the COACH application and can continue to use it to help manage your blood pressure. Over the next couple weeks, you will be granted access to some enhanced features in the COACH app, check it out!

mattStorer commented 4 days ago

notes from William Martinez @ VUMC, from email 7/5/2024:

For the VUMC version, we will not be able to continue access to COACH after their trial participation ends so we would need a site-specific versions with that sentence removed or edited.

mattStorer commented 10 hours ago

in COACH meeting this morning, agreed that end-of-study survey will be administered through REDCap at each institution, and participants will be given 30 days to do that. if they complete the survey or timeout, their disposition will be set in REDCap. COACH will need to pull this disposition from REDCap to identify whether or not to adjust logic.

at OHSU and at MU (per descriptive text in a previous comment upthread), allow the participant to continue using COACH with the expanded intervention group capabilities. at VUMC, do not permit the participant to continue using COACH, and instead show a static page.

the Order will be closed at some point during this process, which will end the participant's ability to write vitals back to Epic. it is suggested that COACH identify, through some mechanism if possible, that this order is closed, or barring that, more generally that vitals should not be written back, and to disable writebacks in that context. otherwise, every writeback will fail, blowing up logs with errors and stack traces. the audit table will also generate many ERROR entries for every failed writeback. all of that is noisy, and technically expensive, and it would be clean to avoid that if we know it's not going to work.