OHSUCMP / htnu18ig

Repository for Hypertension U18 grant's Implementation Guide
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Pharma Recommendation when above goal after monitoring block #187

Closed aeyates closed 10 months ago

aeyates commented 1 year ago

If the patient is still above goal after 12 home blood pressures (still calculating average the old way), use the text in the doc for the pharma recommendation:


I'm assuming the text won't be different if they are not on medications versus if they are since the language covers both.

aeyates commented 10 months ago

The language to use is actually in this document under the "body" column: https://ohsuitg-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/dunnem_ohsu_edu/Documents/From_Box/COACH%20High%20Blood%20Pressure/Phase2COACH/CDS%20Cards/COACH%20Auto%20generated%20messages.docx?d=w4fe2feef6d2142d79b7d76ccfcbce265&csf=1&web=1&e=5jLkJl