OHSUCMP / htnu18ig

Repository for Hypertension U18 grant's Implementation Guide
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Pharma Recommendation when above goal after monitoring block #187

Closed aeyates closed 1 year ago

aeyates commented 1 year ago

If the patient is still above goal after 12 home blood pressures (still calculating average the old way), use the text in the doc for the pharma recommendation:


I'm assuming the text won't be different if they are not on medications versus if they are since the language covers both.

aeyates commented 1 year ago

The language to use is actually in this document under the "body" column: https://ohsuitg-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/dunnem_ohsu_edu/Documents/From_Box/COACH%20High%20Blood%20Pressure/Phase2COACH/CDS%20Cards/COACH%20Auto%20generated%20messages.docx?d=w4fe2feef6d2142d79b7d76ccfcbce265&csf=1&web=1&e=5jLkJl