OJ / gobuster

Directory/File, DNS and VHost busting tool written in Go
Apache License 2.0
9.6k stars 1.17k forks source link

Put all the options and parameters in "--help" #526

Closed AntiWorkIncel closed 2 weeks ago

AntiWorkIncel commented 2 weeks ago

I know Gobuster have plenty of functionalities, but some of them just don't appear on "--help", like "-b". Why?

firefart commented 2 weeks ago

Everything is there. You need to look at the help of the subcommand as each subcommand has other options.

gobuster dir --help
   gobuster dir - Uses directory/file enumeration mode

   gobuster dir [command options] [arguments...]

   --url value, -u value                                    The target URL
   --cookies value, -c value                                Cookies to use for the requests
   --username value, -U value                               Username for Basic Auth
   --password value, -P value                               Password for Basic Auth
   --follow-redirect, -r                                    Follow redirects (default: false)
   --headers value, -H value [ --headers value, -H value ]  Specify HTTP headers, -H 'Header1: val1' -H 'Header2: val2'
   --no-canonicalize-headers, --nch                         Do not canonicalize HTTP header names. If set header names are sent as is (default: false)
   --method value, -m value                                 the password to the p12 file (default: "GET")
   --useragent value, -a value                              Set the User-Agent string (default: "gobuster/3.7")
   --random-agent, --rua                                    Use a random User-Agent string (default: false)
   --proxy value                                            Proxy to use for requests [http(s)://host:port] or [socks5://host:port]
   --timeout value, --to value                              HTTP Timeout (default: 10s)
   --no-tls-validation, -k                                  Skip TLS certificate verification (default: false)
   --retry                                                  Should retry on request timeout (default: false)
   --retry-attempts value, --ra value                       Times to retry on request timeout (default: 3)
   --client-cert-pem value, --ccp value                     public key in PEM format for optional TLS client certificates]
   --client-cert-pem-key value, --ccpk value                private key in PEM format for optional TLS client certificates (this key needs to have no password)
   --client-cert-p12 value, --ccp12 value                   a p12 file to use for options TLS client certificates
   --client-cert-p12-password value, --ccp12p value         the password to the p12 file
   --wordlist value, -w value                               Path to the wordlist. Set to - to use STDIN.
   --delay value, -d value                                  Time each thread waits between requests (e.g. 1500ms) (default: 0s)
   --threads value, -t value                                Number of concurrent threads (default: 10)
   --wordlist-offset value, --wo value                      Resume from a given position in the wordlist (default: 0)
   --output value, -o value                                 Output file to write results to (defaults to stdout)
   --quiet, -q                                              Don't print the banner and other noise (default: false)
   --no-progress, --np                                      Don't display progress (default: false)
   --no-error, --ne                                         Don't display errors (default: false)
   --pattern value, -p value                                File containing replacement patterns
   --no-color, --nc                                         Disable color output (default: false)
   --debug                                                  enable debug output (default: false)
   --status-codes value, -s value                           Positive status codes (will be overwritten with status-codes-blacklist if set). Can also handle ranges like 200,300-400,404
   --status-codes-blacklist value, -b value                 Negative status codes (will override status-codes if set). Can also handle ranges like 200,300-400,404. (default: "404")
   --extensions value, -x value                             File extension(s) to search for
   --extensions-file value, -X value                        Read file extension(s) to search from the file
   --expanded, -e                                           Expanded mode, print full URLs (default: false)
   --no-status, -n                                          Don't print status codes (default: false)
   --hide-length, --hl                                      Hide the length of the body in the output (default: false)
   --add-slash, -f                                          Append / to each request (default: false)
   --discover-backup, --db                                  Also search for backup files by appending multiple backup extensions (default: false)
   --exclude-length value, --xl value                       exclude the following content lengths (completely ignores the status). You can separate multiple lengths by comma and it also supports ranges like 203-206
   --help, -h                                               show help