OKScienceDE / Open_Science_101

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Include Open Peer Review #11

Open konrad opened 8 years ago

konrad commented 8 years ago

Add the topic Open Peer Review.

hdashti commented 8 years ago

There are two method for assessments. 1- assessing teaching methods 2- how to asses students. I was wondering if any assessment (I mean the students' assessment methods) can be included in this topic.

aleimba commented 8 years ago

Can you clarify what you mean? You mean during a course on peer review practices?

hdashti commented 8 years ago

@aleimba yes during a course on peer review practices

aleimba commented 8 years ago

well, we're nowhere near in designing an actual course. This is one of our long-term goals, after creating material. But yes, all of our courses will assess the students, the teacher, and teaching material. We want to create our material openly, so people can come back to enhance it any time (see e.g. our PERSONAS file: https://github.com/OKScienceDE/Open_Science_101/blob/master/PERSONAS.md).

aleimba commented 8 years ago

For all topic suggestions we have an etherpad collecting material and ideas: https://pad.okfn.org/p/OpenScience101topicsuggestions

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