OKScienceDE / Open_Science_101

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Allocate maintainer for each topic #26

Open konrad opened 8 years ago

konrad commented 8 years ago

Each topic should have one, maybe two maintainers who are responsible for the document and take care of the scope as well as consistency (#25) and quality. They might be also the main writer of the text.

I think this approach is also practised by Software Carpentry

aleimba commented 8 years ago

For the Research Cycle and our first three Open Science topics we decided on (see https://github.com/OKScienceDE/Open_Science_101/tree/master/meetings/2016-06-02-Mozilla_Science_Lab_Global_Sprint_2016) we have the following maintainers (from the final #mozsprint etherpad: https://pad.okfn.org/p/OpenScience101MozillaScienceLabGlobalSprint):