OKScienceDE / Open_Science_101

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Include OER #8

Open konrad opened 8 years ago

konrad commented 8 years ago

Add the topic Open Education Resources

matthiasfromm commented 8 years ago

This might be quite difficult to grasp due to it's meta-meta-character. Or rather, this will be difficult to operationalize since open science resources are open by default and therefore de-facto open educational resources (are they?)? On the other hand this project itself can be seen as OER.

On the other hand there is quite an interesting aspect here: how can the open resources in a project that is conducted according to the principles of open science, be processed/prepared/adapted/embedded in a way that they can be used as teaching materials within education?

aleimba commented 8 years ago

For all topic suggestions we have an etherpad collecting material and ideas: https://pad.okfn.org/p/OpenScience101topicsuggestions

Pleas vote for this topic at this comment here with a thumps up reaction (click on the +smiley icon in the top right of the comment)!

RaoOfPhysics commented 8 years ago

[…] since open science resources are open by default and therefore de-facto open educational resources […]

Not sure this is true. AFAIK (and I could be very wrong of course), OER refers to things like textbooks published under open licences.

matthiasfromm commented 8 years ago

@RaoOfPhysics hm...initially it was, yes. But I think we progressed from there and be more inclusive - media and documents seem to be quite common nowadays. Don't you think?

RaoOfPhysics commented 8 years ago

Ah, I see what you mean. Apologies, I saw it as "open science" resources, rather than "open science resources", if that makes any sense.

matthiasfromm commented 8 years ago

@RaoOfPhysics Haha..don't worry....any feedback is always highly welcome since it always challenges us to think about (or rethink) our ideas!

Daniel-Mietchen commented 8 years ago

That chapter could