ESP32 IoT development board with 100Mb Ethernet and 802.3 Power Over Ethernet (POE)
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ESP32-POE-ISO Hanging up #9

Closed TeKiLLa1985 closed 3 years ago

TeKiLLa1985 commented 4 years ago

hi i used this code


define ETH_PHY_POWER 12


static bool eth_connected = false;

void WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event) { switch (event) { case SYSTEM_EVENT_ETH_START: delay(1000); Serial.println("ETH Started"); //set eth hostname here ETH.setHostname("esp32-ethernet"); Serial.println("Hostname: esp32-ethernet"); delay(1000); break; case SYSTEM_EVENT_ETH_CONNECTED: delay(1000); Serial.println("ETH Connected"); break; case SYSTEM_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP: Serial.print("ETH MAC: "); Serial.print(ETH.macAddress()); Serial.print(", IPv4: "); Serial.print(ETH.localIP()); if (ETH.fullDuplex()) { Serial.print(", FULL_DUPLEX"); } Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(ETH.linkSpeed()); Serial.println("Mbps"); eth_connected = true; break; case SYSTEM_EVENT_ETH_DISCONNECTED: Serial.println("ETH Disconnected"); eth_connected = false; break; case SYSTEM_EVENT_ETH_STOP: Serial.println("ETH Stopped"); eth_connected = false; break; default: break; } }

void testClient(const char * host, uint16_t port) { Serial.print("\nconnecting to "); Serial.println(host);

WiFiClient client; if (!client.connect(host, port)) { Serial.println("connection failed"); return; } client.printf("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n", host); while (client.connected() && !client.available()); while (client.available()) { Serial.write(client.read()); }

Serial.println("closing connection\n"); client.stop(); }

void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); WiFi.onEvent(WiFiEvent); ETH.begin(); }

void loop() { if (eth_connected) { testClient("google.com", 80); } delay(10000); }`

and get this output

14:34:58.966 -> e⸮⸮⸮0Q0080⸮X⸮H⸮ETH Started 14:35:00.279 -> Hostname: esp32-ethernet 14:42:36.269 -> ETH Connected

and nothing else happend with a other ESP32-POE-ISO the sketch runs fine i tested it on 2 ESP32-POE-ISO and 3 different networks

I hope some one have a Idea to solve this issue

DanKoloff commented 4 years ago

Each board has the Ethernet interface tested here empirically after manufacturing. So it is likely some sort of software or configuration issue. Try this example:


And follow the instructions here:


The last few times someone encountered similar issue it turned out to be some improper network configuration, unrelated to the the ESP32-POE-ISO. For example here:


TeKiLLa1985 commented 4 years ago

hi, thanks for the input. I have tried out with a complete other notebook there was never Arduino installed with all the steps in the discription at https://www.olimex.com/Products/IoT/ESP32/_resources/Arudino-ESP32.txt than i choose the ESP32-POE-ISO as board and take the test Sketch from https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/1.0.3/libraries/WiFi/examples/ETH_LAN8720/ETH_LAN8720.ino but dosn't work sometimes i get ETH Connected sometimes only ETH Started.

DanKoloff commented 4 years ago

What operating system are you using?

TeKiLLa1985 commented 4 years ago

Win 10 Pro with the last updates the ESP32-POE-ISO was running since 2 month and than without a change

DanKoloff commented 4 years ago

If the board was working fine, and then stopped working without any changes to the hardware or software setup - then either the board or something in the setup broke somehow.

Did you also test with the ESP-IDF example? This would reduce the chances of a software issue.

TeKiLLa1985 commented 4 years ago

i will try it with the IDF