NB-IoT is LPWAN technology for IoT
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Unable to compile example projects (missing os_wizio.h) #13

Closed belveder79 closed 3 years ago

belveder79 commented 3 years ago

I followed the install instructions for the BC66 module (the one without USB connector) but none of the examples compile as I end up with:

/Users/arth/.platformio/packages/framework-quectel/arduino/cores/bc66/interface.h:27:10: fatal error: os_wizio.h: No such file or directory

I'm using latest Atom and PlatformIO on OSX.

DanKoloff commented 3 years ago

It can be something related to the OSX installation. I think Wiz-IO didn't fully test on a OSX, based on his comment in the description ("test and report "):


belveder79 commented 3 years ago

it is also broken on Windows

DanKoloff commented 3 years ago

I've update the guide to list proper addresses now. Not sure if the examples re-hosted at our GitHub would work though, maybe use the default ones.

belveder79 commented 3 years ago

Ok, so I got the samples to compile, but I can't get the device to connect at all (just crambled chars - see Olimex Forum post) Anyway, probably there is some issue with the baud rate on the preinstalled image, so I could probably fix it by setting Serial baud rate manually in the upload image. However, it is a bit frustrating as there is essentially no dedicated documentation for the module at all - I have no idea where to start...

Let's say the Arduino examples from Wiz-IO are compiling - how do I get them onto the board? I need to get the board into some bootloader state by pressing buttons, but how to do that here?

DanKoloff commented 3 years ago

You need DTR and DTS, inspect the schematic of NB-IoT-DevKit:


You can use ESP-PROG for the task:


or use the schematic as basis to understand better:


belveder79 commented 3 years ago

ok, the point is I'm not using the DevKit, I'm using the breakout board:

https://www.olimex.com/Products/IoT/NB-IoT/NB-IoT-BC66/resources/NB-IoT-BC66-pinout.pdf https://www.olimex.com/Products/IoT/NB-IoT/NB-IoT-BC66/resources/NB-IoT-BC66_Rev_B.pdf

So as far as I get the schematics,

DanKoloff commented 3 years ago

Judging by this forum message the issue is now solved:


However, I am not sure 100% what exactly was the fix - was it solved by using the TXD_MAIN and RXD_MAIN pins (instead of the dbg ones)?

belveder79 commented 3 years ago

yes, actually it was resolved by using the main RX/TX pins. I did not really test flashing the module yes, but merely playing with AT commands...

DanKoloff commented 3 years ago

Alright thank you for the feedback, I am sure your feedback would help other people in future. Closing the issue now as resolved.