OLLYDOTDEV / Project-Birdseye-DTX-2020

The initial plan is to create a device that is made for the sole purpose of a Preemptive Security system for People who work with Confidential/Private Information and need to work on potentially more public places where one cant Guarantee fully secure/discrete room. My Approach to solving this is with a wireless computing node That Takes Sensor data from a variety of senses. Then the Data from the Senses is taken then and processed to determine whether there is a security breach if so then it will Relay that info over to the Raspberry Pi W that then Emulates an HID (Human interface device) Using the P4wnP1_aloa made by mame82 to Execute a custom user-defined action that will be set via Apache server hosted of the Raspberry Pi W Communicating From a web interface back to the purchase server utilizing Ajax
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

Transceiver #16

Closed OLLYDOTDEV closed 3 years ago

OLLYDOTDEV commented 4 years ago

As a User I will be needing to have the capability to be used remotely way from my computer As it much increases the versatility/flexibility and allows a more preventive approach of privacy.

OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

Wireless communication is one of the many things that makes the whole project posable. Having a ROMS is a non-local location that allows ROMS to be Preemptive in the calculation to the time till the "threat" becomes an issue.

Wireless communication is all based on EMF waves but this isn't physics so I won't go into more depth on how they work but rather cover what option I have for Wireless communication.

A great overview of RF modules is this video

OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

the classic 433mhz RF transmitters and receiver. Pro's

OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago




OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago




OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago



OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

HC06 Bluetooth module



OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago



OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

So these are the some RF radios that are used. So to work out what one I am going to use I need to look and see if there is any large issues with any that straight out rules them out from being considered.

classic 433mhz RF transmitters and receiver is the first module that I can see that could be an issue.

  1. the fact that they have not a transceiver meaning that I would need to have two pairs of modules and that would start to take up a lot of internal room thus taking if off my list

HC06 Bluetooth module

All in all a great module but Bluetooth

  1. It can lose connection in certain conditions like walls as it tends to use low wattage antenna.
  2. It has low bandwidth as compared to Wi-Fi.
  3. It allows only short-range communication between devices.
  4. Security is weak as it can be hacked with ease.


while it has to be one of the promising and interesting to knowledge is out there but due to

  1. there is the issue that I have have the amount of free pins free thus ruling out this option


  1. while it might be everywhere but it is not known for having the best security.
  2. not really well suited for usage with a battery as it has high power usage compared to other methods
OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

I have chosen to use the NRF24 as it just seems to fit my needs best and also what I had accessible on the cheap. so the first issue I needed to fix was getting a 3.3 power #11

with this, I then tested the theory of the voltage divider on a breadboard. is I didn't have the right Resistors to I had to add some in serials that way the total Ohms was added.


In short, I have a 5v input from USB that then this volage goes orange oval we can see a 2.2k Ohms Resistor

then in line, we have a pull-down Resistors with a total value of 3k (as seen in the green oval) also after the first 2.2k have a brown lead this is where I can take the 3.3 volage to power the Transceiver as for now, I have to connected to the input of my multimeter check if it was 3.3v and it indeed 3.3v (a quick note that the NRF24 can handle 1.9V to 3.6V)

OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

next is to work out what pins I will need to uses that way I can then added it the ROMS schematic for the PCB




these are the places for my guide to hooking up the NRF24


OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

now while I do have the NRF24 connected to the SPI interface and while I can just upload the .INO file from https://github.com/nRF24/RF24

but when it comes to using this library on the raspberry pi zero w I was having issues image

thus putting this sprint 5 to a halt as so further continue the user need the raspberry pi zero w set up so that they are able to have a remote control for the ROMS

OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

to See more of the software look at #17

OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

well while I was going to hookuping the NRF24 to the raspberry pi I worked out that I needed some way to connected so for that i will be on #25. while working i had some large let backs

OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

there is the pinout for the NRF24 is image

and there is the pin out of the RPI zero (the w version has the same layout.) image

so all that I need to do is connect them up and together via the dragram shown below from tmrh20. image

as for the Arduino image there is it connections

with that done I am left with


added Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor to help stabilize transmission


OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

with this the hardware side of the Transceiver is complete