ONA / ONA13-Conference-Theme

A blast from the past; our theme from the 2013 ONA Conference
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Special Page for Midway #13

Open jeremiahnpatterson opened 11 years ago

jeremiahnpatterson commented 11 years ago

Let's blow out the standard ONA13 template and do a special one-off for the Midway. We'll need to plan some specifics (and the content) for this, but essentially:

-use Midway branding on an ONA13 page -short profiles of participants -schedule for Midway itself

merxaus commented 10 years ago

Hi! Should we still be talking about the Midway page here? I'm ready to discuss here or wherever else. (hi, this is Mercedes, the producer of the Midway).

jeremiahnpatterson commented 10 years ago

@merxaus perfect!

jeremiahnpatterson commented 10 years ago

build explore play

jeannebrooks commented 10 years ago

photo 1

Here's the text for the page and an extremely rough mockup. Intro text: The Midway is where ONA13 comes to life. In this participatory space, we connect people, technology and journalism. The place where innovative ideas are born at the conference- this is a home to collaborate, explore, play and build.

Explore, Play, Build, Repeat. Explore

We discover and connect with the most creative innovators of digital journalism.


We bring a child-like curiosity using crafts, blinky lights and games to create new solutions for journalism.


We collaborate with experts in the space to design, iterate and create. Then repeat.

anekola commented 10 years ago

Take a look guys:


merxaus commented 10 years ago


MERCEDES KRAUS mckraus@gmail.com @MERXAUShttp://www.twitter.com/merxaus 5125078377

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 5:33 PM, anekola notifications@github.com wrote:

Take a look guys:


— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/ONA/ONA13/issues/13#issuecomment-26103970 .

jeannebrooks commented 10 years ago

Awesome!!! This looks really great!

Here are some notes: The explore, play, build gets redundant up top. Let's edit the intro text to drop the end of the sentence after "this is a home to" and let the graphic header finish it. Also, the - after conference needs to be —.

The text below the Knight Foundation can be removed. And we just need a header that says Innovators, left-centered above Knight.

Jeremiah and I had talked about blowing out the div so there's no border or outline. We were also hoping to use a very light contrast of white and gray to separate the sections. These two features are not a priority though, so no pressure on that for this rollout.

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Mercedes notifications@github.com wrote:


MERCEDES KRAUS mckraus@gmail.com @MERXAUShttp://www.twitter.com/merxaus 5125078377

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 5:33 PM, anekola notifications@github.com wrote:

Take a look guys:


— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub< https://github.com/ONA/ONA13/issues/13#issuecomment-26103970> .

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/ONA/ONA13/issues/13#issuecomment-26104232 .

Jeanne Brooks @jmfbrooks https://twitter.com/jmfbrooks

anekola commented 10 years ago

I made the text edits; but not sure what you mean by the last paragraph. A hairline border between the three sections? It might be best if you were able to show me.

But yeah - I think these icons look great; nice job guys!

Any other edits? I can push everything live tonight.

jeannebrooks commented 10 years ago

@jeremiahnpatterson can you help me explain this? He did it today on the dev server. I want to remove the box that all the content is in. Can it either be all white or all grey? We can talk later to explain what we mean with the sections.

Also, I need "Innovators" on top of the Knight Foundation logo and left-centered. And let's change the style to match the Explore, Play, Build below the icons.


anekola commented 10 years ago

Innovators moved up and style changed. But, if you'll allow me to critique it.. left-aligning it looks a little odd, since everything above the schedule is centered. And if it's the same style as Explore, Play, Build, the two are very close together and they blend. I put a hairline between them to help differentiate a little.

And I think I get the background now. Like this? http://ona13.danielbachhuber.com/program/midway/

jeremiahnpatterson commented 10 years ago

Sorry I'm late to the party. This looks so good!

jeannebrooks commented 10 years ago

Yes! The background is great. I see what you mean about left aligning. I'm fine putting it back as centered.

I think each of the sections could use some breathing room. Ideally I'd like to space this out in sync with a scroll but if you just add a little space between sections then this is good to roll out!

jeannebrooks commented 10 years ago

are we pushing everything out tonight?

anekola commented 10 years ago

Yup. Going through it now. Should be up in 15 mins or so.

jeannebrooks commented 10 years ago


anekola commented 10 years ago

Are we OK to import the latest schedule to the live site?

merxaus commented 10 years ago

Yeah, it's fine. There are a few corrections I need to make tomorrow, but they are minor. On Oct 10, 2013 8:10 PM, "anekola" notifications@github.com wrote:

Are we OK to import the latest schedule to the live site?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/ONA/ONA13/issues/13#issuecomment-26111090 .

anekola commented 10 years ago

How does this look for everyone on the live server? Something about the color rendering makes the circles and the background blend together; the contrast isn't that great:

![Uploading Screen Shot 2013-10-10 at 11.41.07 PM.png . . .]()

jeremiahnpatterson commented 10 years ago

I see that. I can drop them on white circles instead?

JenMiz commented 10 years ago

Love the logos! This is looking great.

jstrelitz commented 10 years ago

@merxaus Are you working with Yahoo! to get their logo up?

jeremiahnpatterson commented 10 years ago

I could always crop one of these and use it: https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/5016141/1093205/ca7e0122-1698-11e3-9828-9b6d10ced06a.jpg