ONA / ONA13-Conference-Theme

A blast from the past; our theme from the 2013 ONA Conference
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Additional importer features #45

Closed anekola closed 10 years ago

anekola commented 10 years ago

The biggest thing I need right now is a way to mark if the session is "Listen," "Solve," "Make," or "Other." "Other" would be registration, lunch, etc.

Other fields we need in the spreadsheet:

@jeremiahnpatterson How is this spreadsheet coming along?

jeremiahnpatterson commented 10 years ago

@anekola just shared the sessions and speakers spreadsheets with you

anekola commented 10 years ago

@danielbachhuber Is it possible for you to connect these spreadsheets Jeremiah shared to your importer on the dev server?

Once they are in there, they should populate this page: http://ona13.danielbachhuber.com/sessions/

Also, I added some code that allows us to see the sessions in the WordPress admin, but only for debugging purposes. Once everything is set up, I'll remove it so that the editors will only be able to make changes in the spreadsheet. http://ona13.danielbachhuber.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=ona_session

danielbachhuber commented 10 years ago

Yep, I'll try to swing it in the next few days.

danielbachhuber commented 10 years ago

@jeremiahnpatterson @anekola Importer is now live:


I've set it up to run via cron every fifteen minutes on the development site. It does everything except for session tags and the presenters.

Along the way, I made a couple changes to the formatting of ONA13 Program Master:

If you'd like to run it locally, you can download ONA13 Program Master as a CSV and run this WP-CLI command:

wp ona13 import-sessions <file>

Adam: I also made some updates to the templates to accommodate for the session data, but I'm not sure I got everything. It's worth taking a look.