ONDC-Official / v1.2.0-logs

Retail and Logistics Logs for 1.2.0
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iThink Logistics - LSP - compliance check #1073

Closed abhinavv245 closed 5 months ago

abhinavv245 commented 6 months ago

Delivered Flow





RTO Flow




shubhamdepasser commented 6 months ago

Could you please clarify the problem concerning item ID '29I1'? Specifically, I need an explanation regarding the discrepancy between the provided time or timestamp and the corresponding date referenced by the TAT (P2D2H) for this item.


abhinavv245 commented 6 months ago

@shubhamdepasser In items, parent item has TAT P2D2H, context/timestamp is for 01/03, so w.r.t context, time/timestamp should be for 03/03, Like for RTO, TAT is P3DT5H, hence timestamp has a date 04/03.

shubhamdepasser commented 6 months ago


shubhamdepasser commented 6 months ago

@abhinavv245 We have completed V1.2 development for phase 1 and followed the instructions provided in the referenced sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11W5SZDqG6gYUU5Tel1gMJqxksipbh2fQYH5_W_SU14c/edit#gid=6221937). Could you suggest the appropriate steps to resolve the identified bugs? I am concerned that solely relying on the sheet might result in encountering the same issues again.

abhinavv245 commented 6 months ago

@shubhamdepasser - can you please flag the points in which you have confusion? Phase 1 features are mandatory as per the roll out plan. The majority of the identified issues pertain to discrepancies, while a couple of them suggest features that other network participants have enabled and could enhance communication, however not obligatory.

abhinavv245 commented 6 months ago

Delivered Flow



RTO Flow




BLR-0118 commented 5 months ago


  1. /on_search:

    • motorable_distance_type/motorable_distance reqd only for P2P (hyperlocal);
  2. /on_confirm:

    • TAT was 4 days 8 hrs (/on_search), 122 hrs 19min (/confirm) & 4 days 2 hrs (/on_confirm); which is correct?
    • pls add average pickup time (fulfillment.start.time.duration in /on_search) to /on_confirm;
  3. /on_status:

    • fulfillment states should be for intercity, as per this list;
BLR-0118 commented 5 months ago

RTO flow

  1. /on_cancel:
    • cancelled_by should be the bpp_id (i.e. LSP);

Pls also share logs for cancel initiated by logistics buyer for fulfillment TAT breach;

BLR-0118 commented 5 months ago


BLR-0118 commented 5 months ago


  1. /on_search:

    • instead of giving TAT of 5D2H, why not make it 5D or 6D? that'll be more accurate, unless you're sure you'll meet the precise TAT of 5D2H;
  2. /on_status_pending:

    • all post confirm callbacks update the order object & considering that these APIs are stateless, the entire order object is returned in callbacks;
    • /on_update at 05:39:32 has order object with pickup code / shipping label / delivery instructions / etc. but this is missing in /on_status_pending at 05:45:23;
    • payment.time.timestamp identifies time of payment for this order; since payment hasn't been made, this should be removed;


  1. /on_cancel:
    • precancel_state.updated_at should have Context.timestamp for fulfillment state of Pending (06:29:45 in /on_confirm), not timestamp for /on_cancel;
    • reason code "003" is not valid for logistics buyer NP (LBNP); as per this list, the only valid reason code is "007" & you need to validate & NACK request for invalid reason codes;

RTO flow

  1. /on_cancel:
    • cancelled_by should have the bpp_id;
BLR-0118 commented 5 months ago


shubhamdepasser commented 5 months ago

@BLR-0118 Thank you for your valuable feedback. I assure you that I will immediately incorporate your inputs and keep you informed updates.

shubhamdepasser commented 5 months ago

@BLR-0118 All problems have been resolved.

BLR-0118 commented 5 months ago

clearing logs for v1..2.0