ONDC-Official / v1.2.0-logs

Retail and Logistics Logs for 1.2.0
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Adya Retail (RSP) - compliance check #295

Open RupalSingla opened 11 months ago

RupalSingla commented 11 months ago

collector_recon "settlement_status": "READY" is not correct , it should be one of the defined enums

on_collector_recon "message_id" missmatch with collector_recon

receiver_recon settlement timestamp cannot be less than context.timestamp

Correction Flow

collector_recon "settlement_status": "READY" is not correct , it should be one of the defined enums

on_receiver_recon counterparty_recon_status is wrong


Saravanamuthu-Eunimart commented 11 months ago


  1. As per ondc Dataset Schema and sample payload of RSP, "settlement_status" will be "READY" in the collector_recon so we have followed that, please correct if we are worng.
  2. And in receiver_recon settlement timestamp will be earlier than context.timestamp, as settlement is done in previous step which is during settle api. And regarding message_id mismatch , we have submitted the resolved log, kindly verify. Thank you.