ONDC-Official / verification-logs

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CSC - compliance check #100

Open BLR-0118 opened 2 years ago

BLR-0118 commented 2 years ago

Buyer App:

  1. /support - no bpp_id/bpp_uri in Context;
  2. No /update, /status, /track APIs
  3. Pls submit logs for end-to-end order flow with a different seller app (not CSC)
BLR-0118 commented 2 years ago


BLR-0118 commented 2 years ago

Seller App:

  1. /on_search - the coordinates provided "15.00000000,17.00000000" are showing a location in Chad. Pls provide valid gps coordinates;
  2. /on_search - what does the fulfillment_id provided here "storeking/35/ab60c009-9738-46c7-91e3-78c7ba0ffec5" map to? It should be linked to an entry in Catalog.bpp/fulfillment;
  3. /on_init - fulfillments.end.location.Address.areacode is invalid;
  4. fulfillment.id is in /on_select but not in /on_init and in /on_confirm & /on_status it's null - this isn't correct;
  5. /on_cancel - pls update as per the updated contract;
  6. /on_update - needs to be supported;
BLR-0118 commented 2 years ago


insphere-ashish commented 2 years ago

Seller App:

  1. /on_search - the coordinates provided "15.00000000,17.00000000" are showing a location in Chad. Pls provide valid gps coordinates;
  2. /on_search - what does the fulfillment_id provided here "storeking/35/ab60c009-9738-46c7-91e3-78c7ba0ffec5" map to? It should be linked to an entry in Catalog.bpp/fulfillment;
  3. /on_init - fulfillments.end.location.Address.areacode is invalid;
  4. fulfillment.id is in /on_select but not in /on_init and in /on_confirm & /on_status it's null - this isn't correct;
  5. /on_cancel - pls update as per the updated contract;
  6. /on_update - needs to be supported;

On the Seller Apps points mentioned above.

  1. It is staging data, the entries are default coming from DB, on production the coordinates will be the ones saved for the provider as provided or captured by gps.
  2. /on_search contract shows fulfillment_id in item, "It should be linked to an entry in Catalog.bpp/fulfillment" - Please elaborate on this.
  3. "/on_init - fulfillments.end.location.Address.areacode is invalid" - Screenshot_1336 - it is being sent by reference app and hence being forwarded by the seller.
  4. For "fulfillment.id is in /on_select but not in /on_init and on_confirm & /on_init being null" - it seems reference app is not passing any fulfillment id in the fulfillments array object, which seems to me mentioned in the contract of init and confirm
  5. "/on_cancel - pls update as per the updated contract" - Will do
  6. "/on_update - needs to be supported" - we are not supporting cancellation/return on seller level.

PS: The git handle is @insphere-ashish and not @Ashish0120 , please use @insphere-ashish for further communications on git.

insphere-ashish commented 2 years ago

Buyer App:

  1. /support - no bpp_id/bpp_uri in Context;
  2. No /update, /status, /track APIs
  3. Pls submit logs for end-to-end order flow with a different seller app (not CSC)
  1. "/support - no bpp_id/bpp_uri in Context" - okay, we'll fix that
  2. "No /update, /status, /track APIs"- we shall get /update implemented in buyer(for other sellers) and we'll look into /status & /track as well.
  3. "Pls submit logs for end-to-end order flow with a different seller app (not CSC)" - we are not able to do that with other sellers, on search we have had responses but flow isn't being able to progress forward due to various reasons, that we have already mentioned on slack regarding lookup and authorization for stagingapigateway.bizom.in/ondc(https://ondc.slack.com/archives/C03CB47859Q/p1660381523630589) and beta.mystore.in(https://ondc.slack.com/archives/C03CB47859Q/p1660660176521099) and the issue still persists. We are able to get a catalog shown in our buyer app from "ondc.uengage.in" but on doing a /select request the /on_select is not as per the contract, orders.fulfillments is missing from /on_select callback response, hence the flow is broken. If there is a seller that has the search-to-confirm endpoints as per contract please provide with a search item name from the seller so we can get that seller in /on_search responses.
BLR-0118 commented 2 years ago

Buyer App:

  1. How is the timestamp for /select before /search, even though both use the same transaction_id?
  2. why is there a mismatch between the timestamp for /on_select and /select?
  3. What payment is used for this use-case? pre-paid or COD?
  4. No /status API?
  5. /update - return refund is initiated only after seller approves return request. In this case, seller returns NACK (means return isn't supported). How is then amount refunded?
  6. /update - images are also required for return
  7. /support - what is the ref_id here - transaction_id or order id?
  8. what searches are supported - by item (yes - as per the use case), by category?
BLR-0118 commented 2 years ago

@Ashish0120 - also pls share an updated APK

insphere-ashish commented 2 years ago

Buyer App:

  1. How is the timestamp for /select before /search, even though both use the same transaction_id?
  2. why is there a mismatch between the timestamp for /on_select and /select?
  3. What payment is used for this use-case? pre-paid or COD?
  4. No /status API?
  5. /update - return refund is initiated only after seller approves return request. In this case, seller returns NACK (means return isn't supported). How is then amount refunded?
  6. /update - images are also required for return
  7. /support - what is the ref_id here - transaction_id or order id?
  8. what searches are supported - by item (yes - as per the use case), by category?

1.How is the timestamp for /select before /search, even though both use the same transaction_id?

2.why is there a mismatch between the timestamp for /on_select and /select?

3.What payment is used for this use-case? pre-paid or COD?

4.No /status API?

5./update - return refund is initiated only after the seller approves the return request. In this case, the seller returns NACK (means return isn't supported). How is then amount refunded?

6./update - images are also required for return

7./support - what is the ref_id here - transaction_id or order id?

8.what searches are supported - by item (yes - as per the use case), by category?

search by category on_search by category

BLR-0118 commented 2 years ago

Buyer App (sellerapp - Bizom):

  1. If /update is receiving a NACK for return/cancel, you can't initiate a refund for buyer. Hence, the update json is wrong;
  2. Pls share the updated APK; Seller App (buyerapp - firstforwardondc):
  3. /on_search - time to ship ("D1D") is wrong ISO8601 duration format;
  4. /select is selecting item 694 which isn't returned in /on_search. Also, gps coordinates shown for store here is different from what's shown in /on_search;
  5. /on_init - payment collected_by="BAP" is wrong. If payment is collected by buyer app prepaid (collected_by = "BAP", type="ON_ORDER"), it will come in /confirm and if collected COD (collected_by="BPP", type="POST-FULFILLMENT");
  6. How does payment type and collected_by change between /on_init & /confirm?
  7. /on_track - tracking is false in /on_confirm but shows as active here?
  8. No /on_status, /on_update API?
BLR-0118 commented 2 years ago


insphere-ashish commented 2 years ago

@BLR-0118 Point 4. /select is selecting item 694 which isn't returned in /on_search. Also, gps coordinates shown for store here is different from what's shown in /on_search;

Please do tell which logs are you referring to ? which seller and buyer ??

BLR-0118 commented 2 years ago

Seller App (with firstforwardondc):

  1. /search specifies the fulfillment end location gps coords (12.971,77.594) whereas /on_search responds with provider with gps coords (15.000, 17.000). How's this possible?
  2. /on_search shows value as 1.03 for items 644, 692 whereas /on_select shows value as 1.06. Why? Pls check the other points 5-8 above.
BLR-0118 commented 2 years ago


BLR-0118 commented 2 years ago

Buyer App - search performance is very slow & takes about 20s to render a small catalog in pre-prod. In Prod where the catalogs will be much larger, this will not work. @insphere-ashish

BLR-0118 commented 2 years ago

Pls fix issues above & resubmit logs for buyer & seller apps for verification