Reverse Geocoding for end failed. Area Code 302016 not matching with 26.930522,75.793035 Lat-Long pair.
order/provider must have required property 'ttl' (equal to context/ttl)
order/fulfillments/0 must have required property 'id', "type"
tags are missing in /items
order/payments/0 must have required property 'collected_by'
order/payments must have required properties '@ondc/org/settlement_basis','@ondc/org/settlement_window','@ondc/org/withholding_amount',"collected_by" (BAP should validate the schema)
message/order/created_at and updated_at should match context timestamp
settlement details should be provided by BAP, when payment is collected by BPP
Flow 4 (should be Flow 3)
Error object is missing when PO is rejected
Flow 5 (should be Flow 4)
similar issues as above
/on_select (RFQ Rejected)
code '50005' is not appropriate for item quantity out of stock
Pickup timestamp (fulfillments/start/time/timestamp) cannot change for fulfillment state - Out-for-delivery" and 'Order-delivered'
Delivery timestamp (fulfillments/end/time/timestamp) cannot be future dated w.r.t context/timestamp for fulfillment state - Order-delivered
city code should start with 'std' instead of 'STD'
/select/0/message/order/items/0 must have required property 'fulfillment_ids',
/select/0/message/order/fulfillments/0 must have required property 'id'
Buyer cancellation
012 is not a valid cancellation code to be used by buyer app
Flow 5a
both the select calls have the same location (as per the flow should have different location), how is seller app sending location serviceability error in one on_select call but accepting the other with the same location?
Flow 1
failed. Area Code 302016 not matching with 26.930522,75.793035 Lat-Long pair./select
Flow 4 (should be Flow 3)
Flow 5 (should be Flow 4)
/on_select (RFQ Rejected)