ONDC-Official / verification-logs

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Mystore B2B - compliance check #960

Open abhinavv245 opened 1 year ago

abhinavv245 commented 1 year ago

"schemaErr0": "/on_search/0/message/catalog/payments/0/type must be equal to one of the allowed values (PRE-FULFILLMENT,ON-FULFILLMENT,POST-FULFILLMENT)", "schemaErr1": "/on_search/0/message/catalog/providers/0/rating must be string", "schemaErr2": "/on_search/0/message/catalog/providers/0/ttl must be string", "schemaErr3": "/on_search/0/message/catalog/providers/0/items/0/quantity/unitized/measure/value must be string", "schemaErr4": "/on_search/0/message/catalog/providers/0/items/0/quantity/maximum/measure/unit must be equal to one of the allowed values (unit,dozen,gram,kilogram,tonne,litre,millilitre)", "schemaErr5": "/on_search/0/message/catalog/providers/0/items/0/quantity/maximum/measure/value must be string", "schemaErr6": "/on_search/0/message/catalog/providers/0/items/0/tags/4/list//value must be string", "schemaErr8": "/select/0/message/order/items/0 must have required property 'location_ids'", "schemaErr9": "/select/0/message/order/payments must be array", "schemaErr10": "/on_select/0/message/order/quote must have required property 'ttl'", "schemaErr11": "/init/0/message/order/provider must have required property 'ttl'", "schemaErr12": "/init/0/message/order/billing must have required property 'state'", "schemaErr13": "/init/0/message/order/billing must have required property 'city'", "schemaErr14": "/init/0/message/order/billing must have required property 'tax_id'", "schemaErr16": "/init/0/message/order/billing must NOT have additional properties (tax_number)", "schemaErr17": "/init/0/message/order/billing must NOT have additional properties (created_at)", "schemaErr18": "/init/0/message/order/billing must NOT have additional properties (updated_at)", "schemaErr15": "/init/0/message/order/billing/address must be string", "schemaErr16": "/init/0/message/order/fulfillments/id must be string", "schemaErr17": "/init/0/message/order/payments must be array", "schemaErr18": "/on_init/0/message/order must have required property 'provider_location'", "schemaErr34": "/confirm/0/message/order/fulfillments/0/stops/0/contact must have required property 'email'", "schemaErr45": "/confirm/0/message/order/created_at created_at does not match context timestamp - \"2023-08-01T17:58:06.321Z\"", "schemaErr46": "/confirm/0/message/order/updated_at updated_at does not match context timestamp - \"2023-08-01T17:58:06.321Z\"", "schemaErr53": "/on_update/0/message must have required property 'order'", "schemaErr54": "/on_status/0/message/order must have required property 'documents'", "schemaErr65": "/on_status/0/message/order/state must be equal to one of the allowed values (Created,Accepted,In-progress,Cancelled,Completed)",


tanya-ondc commented 1 year ago








Flow 1

Flow 3

Flow 2, 4 missing

tanya-ondc commented 1 year ago


Below are the Schema check failures:

Also, as discussed, please have a valid provider's catalog in preprod and test based on that. Tested with test data is expected in staging environment and not in Preprod. Also, please test with a different counter NP for logs submission.

mystore-in commented 1 year ago

@tanya-ondc there is no descriptor in the select tag list in reference Json also in confirm tag list data is in descriptor and same for on_confirm

tanya-ondc commented 1 year ago

@mystore-in Please check the Examples once. This was discussed 2 weeks back. There are more examples and flows added for domestic and exports for better clarity as well.

mystore-in commented 1 year ago

Tanya submitted logs with correction also we are still using test seller as we don't onboard real seller on preprod

tanya-ondc commented 1 year ago

The logs are manipulated. How few API logs got updated 2 days ago and few yesterday. Please submit actual logs and this is why I requested for a review with a different NP.


  1. location.circle is not part of the API specs of v2.0.1. The serviceability is actually being calculated based on the serviceability tag group.
  2. tags.origin.country value should be valid country code, i.e. IND.
  3. /on_search/0/message/catalog/providers/0/items/0/tags/2/list/0 must have required property 'descriptor'
  4. /on_search/0/message/catalog/providers/0/items/0/tags/5 must have required property 'descriptor'
  5. /on_search/0/message/catalog/providers/0/items/0/tags/6 must have required property 'descriptor'


  1. ttl between /on_search and /select is too high.


  1. When payment_type is ON_FULFILLMENT, how can collected_by is BAP.
  2. /confirm/0/message/order/items/0 must have required property 'fulfillment_ids'


  1. /update/0/message/order/payments/0/params/transaction_id must be string
  2. Tell me how payment is made before delivery, when payment type is ON_FULFILLMENT.


  1. incorrect 'action' in context
  2. /on_update/0/message/order/items/0 must have required property 'fulfillment_ids'
  3. /on_update/0/message/order/items/0/quantity must have required property 'count'
  4. Please confirm what is on_update used for?


  1. fulfillment.stops.start.time should have timestamp.
  2. fulfillment.start and fulfillment.end should not be present.
  3. /on_status/message/order/fulfillments/0/stops/1/location must have required property 'id'
  4. /on_status/message/order/fulfillments/0/stops/1/location must have required property 'descriptor'
  5. /on_status/message/order/payments/0/params/transaction_id must be string


mystore-in commented 1 year ago

Hi @tanya-ondc because there is some small changes in api that's why I just paste the message body due to which some api's showing updated yesterday. Will submit everything again if there's any small changes also.

mystore-in commented 1 year ago

Hi @tanya-ondc please review our logs as we have submitted our logs yesterday

mystore-in commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/ONDC-Official/verification-logs/pull/1136 merge this pull request which updated one into Mystore logs before reviewing

tanya-ondc commented 1 year ago

Merged. Will update on this.

tanya-ondc commented 1 year ago

Issues with Mystore BAP tested with Signcatch:




tanya-ondc commented 12 months ago

Issues with Mystore BAP tested with Signcatch:



tanya-ondc commented 12 months ago

Mystore BAP logs looks good to go ahead for ops validation. Mystore BPP logs still need to be fixed.

abhinavv245 commented 11 months ago

Mystore BPP






tanya-ondc commented 9 months ago




