ONEARMY / community-platform

A platform to build useful communities that aim to tackle global problems
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friend community, we are another one army called human pixels #430

Closed oceatoon closed 5 years ago

oceatoon commented 5 years ago

Hi I just discovered your project , it's great , and looks a lot like our in production since 2016 we used to be called human PIxel but as we've been growing we work a lot with the commons , we changed name to communecter which means connecting the commons I'd love a bit more information , is there a place to see the wireframes or workflow maybe we can help you guys , and join armies ;)

chrismclarke commented 5 years ago

That's awesome! Thanks for getting in touch. You can find links to figma mockups and the dev site here: I'd definitely be interest to know more about your project and technology you use, is it open source?

Let me also quickly tag @BenGamma in this, as he is both another one of the lead devs and definitely better than me at french :D

oceatoon commented 5 years ago

Hi @chrismclarke and @BenGamma yes and always have been , we have 2 stacks both based on a mongoDB the web version is a php , jquery the mobile , tablet version is oriented real time activity is NodesJS, meteor we have a modular and API driven architecture which is open to any stack we also follow the fediverse connectivty standards like activityStream would be great to hook up at least for a peacefull army chat what are your availabilities ?

BenGamma commented 5 years ago

Hi @oceatoon and thanks for your comments ! I went throught and that's always interesting to discover others similar project as onearmy. Also thanks for pointing out Fediverse, I've already knew a few project of the federation (mastodon or diaspora) but I didn't know they where based on a common protocol (activitySub). That opens a lot of possibilities for the futur. As @tx4x mentionned, onearmy platform (in it current shape) is more about sharing knowledge and technics, rather than social. But in a close futur that could also be an option. I truly agree with you on the fact that we could/should join forces and I would be keen on having a chat about it. You can contact us at and we'll try to schedule this.

@tx4x thanks for the pointing out swagger, it looks likes strong guidelines 💪

oceatoon commented 5 years ago

all this is super I'll send a mail to set up a call we use swagger for our api endpoints it's really made for APi Restfullness

BenGamma commented 5 years ago

Can you provide an email @tx4x so I can invite you to the call ? Will be this wednesday 11AM GMT+02

BenGamma commented 5 years ago

Hey @tx4x, I can't provide you a roadmap as precise yet. As I said on the phone I can't assure you that we would use the liferay connector you are building. I would say do the thing that correspond to your needs for for now and we'll do our best to found ways to plug in with in the futur. I'll keep the github updated and the maximum transparent as I can on what we are working on, so we're all on the same page. Thanks for your feature suggestion by the way, a lot of pertinent points. I'll keep them. I'm not sure about the electric chair though 😅