I placed a test document in the Common Documents folder, hit sharing setting und turned on "External Link Access".
That works great, but when turning that off again, external users are still able to access the document.
I first thought it's an issue with my modifed instance but then I created a trial account for the cloud version and encountered the same issue.
You should be able to access that file although External Link Access ist turned off.
Even access to everyone is denied and I'm still able to open the file from different browsers in private mode.
Confirmed by multiple people I sent the link.
I placed a test document in the Common Documents folder, hit sharing setting und turned on "External Link Access". That works great, but when turning that off again, external users are still able to access the document. I first thought it's an issue with my modifed instance but then I created a trial account for the cloud version and encountered the same issue.
Example link: https://testing123.onlyoffice.eu/Products/Files/doceditor.aspx?fileid=5632959&doc=Q2J4d1NwS0FvZCsrVGhBRlFsTWcxd0F3aWhheXZYbjZPRXdNM0x1d3laVT0_IjU2MzI5NTki0
You should be able to access that file although External Link Access ist turned off. Even access to everyone is denied and I'm still able to open the file from different browsers in private mode. Confirmed by multiple people I sent the link.