ONLYOFFICE / DesktopEditors

An office suite that combines text, spreadsheet and presentation editors allowing to create, view and edit local documents
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[Feature request] Remove titlebar in editors #1310

Open Tarek-Hasan opened 1 year ago

Tarek-Hasan commented 1 year ago

This issue is unique.

Your idea.

Since version 6.x OnlyOffice DesktopEditors divided its title bar into two separate bars; a tab bar on the top of the editor, and directly under that a title bar, which repeats the similar thing and waste of usable UI space. This is annoying and a problem especially for devices with smaller display like laptops. And honestly looks like a mess put together haphazardly. So I came up with few suggestions to help you with generating idea to solve this problem.

Style 1:

style 1

Style 2: (Similar to pre v6.0 UI with a few tweaks)

style 2

Explanation of changes:

  1. Save, print, undo, redo buttons In style 1 - you can put them in the editors toolbar before the tabs. In style 2 - put these buttons back at right side of OnlyOffice menu button like pre v6.0
  2. Put User button at the left of the search button in the editors toolbar's tab bar.
  3. As I mentioned in #1215, putting Print and Quick Print buttons side by side reduces usability as there's high chance of clicking the wrong button, which defeats the purpose of Quick Print button's existing. Put Quick Print button in left side panel.

Additional UI tweaks to improve OnlyOffice's usability

  1. Make document tabs a bit wider.
  2. Icons in the editors toolbar are very small. Making them slightly bigger will help user's eyesight :grin:.
  3. Make font selector wider. The current one doesn't even show "Times New Roman" fully.

Following are some of the previous issues where people have been complaining about these problems for a long time.

Please, try to solve this issues and if possible consider my suggestions.

itsjustarumour commented 1 year ago

I guess a lot of this is a matter of opinion. Personally, I much prefer to have the titlebar present. This is because I work with large numbers of docx files which have long titles/filenames, with only the last few characters of the filename being different. The filename would not fit on a tab, so being able to see the full filename in the titlebar (e.g. "this is a very long file name 001.docx") is absolutely essential for me. Deleting the titlebar would make it impossible to easily "at-a-glance" identify which of my files I am looking at/working on, in each particular tab.

Also, I prefer to have the "Save" icon near the top-left corner of the screen/window - I think this is the most natural place for it, as it is the icon that I most commonly "reach for" to click on.

Tarek-Hasan commented 1 year ago

@itsjustarumour you can view the full title by hovering the mouse pointer over the tab. None needs to look at the full document title the entire time they're working on a document. And also one can only see the title bar after only clicking a document, so your concern isn't valid. Hovering the mouse pointer over many document tabs is much more convenient than clicking every single document and viewing the title in the title bar.

rsnegirev commented 1 year ago

Hi @Tarek-Hasan

We've issued your suggestion - 63422 in our internal tracker. Thank you for report.

rsnegirev commented 1 year ago

And @Tarek-Hasan about point 6.

You can change interface scaling in Settings on the main tab. So icons will be bigger.

Tarek-Hasan commented 1 year ago

@rsnegirev thanks for your reply. I already tried the interface scaling option, but for me, it didn't work. It only increased the size of the tab bar; I think it's a bug.

Also, I wanted bigger icons without increasing the size of other elements of interface. Current default icon scale is very small for laptop screen.