ONLYOFFICE / Docker-CommunityServer

Collaborative system for managing documents, projects, customer relations and emails in one place
MIT License
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Problem with onlyoffice-community-server trying to get it running via docker-compose #175

Open ovizii opened 1 year ago

ovizii commented 1 year ago

I am trying to get it up and running behind traefik as a reverse proxy. When I visit myoffice.domain.tld I see the OO screen loading bar telling me to wait but it never finishes loading. If I check with the browser network tools, I can see "mixed content" warning because obviously I access it via https (reverse proxy) and apparently OO workforce thinks its speaking plain http hence the browser stops it.

Does that ring any bells with anyone using OO workforce behind a reverse proxy?

Any env variables to set?

Carazyda commented 1 year ago

Hello @ovizii Make sure CommunityServer is running - sudo docker exec -it onlyoffice-community-server systemctl status monoserve. Also check for errors in web.log and web.api.log.

ovizii commented 1 year ago

Seems OK:

docker exec -it onlyoffice-community-server systemctl status monoserve                                          
● monoserve.service - FastCGI Mono server                                                                                                            
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/monoserve.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)                                                           
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-02-01 14:28:09 UTC; 3min 21s ago                                                                          
  Process: 945 ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c test -e /var/run/onlyoffice || install -m 755 -o onlyoffice -g nginx -d /var/run/onlyoffice; rm -f /var/run/onlyoffice/onlyoffice.socket /var/www/onlyoffice/WebStudio/mono_crash* /var/www/onlyoffice/WebStudio/core.*; (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)         
 Main PID: 957 (mono)                                                                                                                                
    Tasks: 4 (limit: 23162)                                                                                                                          
   CGroup: /system.slice/docker-661f1631b51a5c7061ba2ea32183c0a0d8cb86e67a7091e0ca98966723fdee21.scope/system.slice/monoserve.service                
           └─957 /usr/bin/mono /usr/lib/hyperfastcgi/4.0/HyperFastCgi.exe /config=/etc/hyperfastcgi/onlyoffice /logfile=/var/log/onlyoffice/onlyoffice.log /loglevels=Error                                                                                                                               

Feb 01 14:28:09 onlyoffice-community-server systemd[1]: Starting FastCGI Mono server...                                                              
Feb 01 14:28:09 onlyoffice-community-server systemd[1]: Started FastCGI Mono server.                                                                 
Feb 01 14:28:09 onlyoffice-community-server hyperfastcgi4[957]: WebConfigurationManager's LRUcache Size overriden to: 2000 (via MONO_ASPNET_WEBCONFIG_CACHESIZE)                        
ovizii commented 1 year ago

Let me ask a few more questions:

If I were to get "oo community workspace" running via docker-compose.yml behind a reverse proxy, which container do I redirect the main URL to? i.e. myworkspace.domain.tld should it be pointed at onlyoffice-community-server port 80 or at onlyoffice-control-panel port 80?

if it is onlyoffice-community-server I assume it is fine if onlyoffice-control-panel is only reachable from onlyoffice-community-server, right?

Usually I tell my reverse proxy to redirect a particualr domain i.e. myworkspace.domain.tld to a specific container, in this case, does "oo community workspace" need to know the domain or does it nor care how it is reached from the internet?

Carazyda commented 1 year ago

You need redirect the onlyoffice-community-server port 80, there located the main site. Other services and containers are worked with community-server thought docker network.

Yes, you need to specify domain name in portal settings "Custom DNS name".