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Issue external access Onlyoffice Workspace #212

Open itdkr opened 2 months ago

itdkr commented 2 months ago

Hello everyone,

if i install Onlyoffice Workspace on a fresh Ubuntu Server 22.04.4 LTS as a docker container or as RPM/DEB packages i can only open the Webinterface within local Network.

I have configure portforwarding for http & https but with both protocols i can´t access the Onlyoffice Webinterface from external. If i open the Webinterface "http://IP-Onlyoffice-Server/welcome" from local or external network i get Runtime Error.

How can i fix this issue? image

Here are results with curl and wget from external network: image

Thank you for your help.

Regards Kevin

Carazyda commented 2 months ago

Hello @itdkr Onlyoffice Workspace doesn't have a /welcome page. Please open the portal via the root directory

Regarding the errors in wget - it looks like you are using a self-signed certificate that is not added on the client machine.

itdkr commented 2 months ago

Hello @Carazyda,

thank you for reply. If i open the Portal external via HTTP & HTTPS it doesn´t response. Portforwarding rules are fine. image

About the certificate i will check. But i think access without certificate should work isn´t it? Within local network everything works fine.

What should i check?

Regards Kevin

itdkr commented 2 months ago

Hello @Carazyda

i have installed Onlyoffice Workspace on Windows Server and everything seems to be fine. I can connect to the Portal via external Network and the same SSL Wildcard certificate.

I didn´t unterstand why it doesn´t work with a fresh Ubuntu Installation.

The Windows Server are in the same network with the same Firewall Rules like the Ubuntu Server. I think it´s a bug of the newest Onlyoffice Workspace Version?

Regards Kevin

Carazyda commented 2 months ago

Tell us a little more about your network structure: 1) Is OnlyOffice installed on a separate server within your network? What port does it use on this server - 80 by default? 2) Are you using an external proxy server with a domain name that forwards requests to the OnlyOffice server? 3) What certificate are you using for the SSL? Which organization released it?

aaronouthier commented 3 weeks ago

I believe this issue is a common issue with homelab servers.

Please confirm: does the issue occur when you are using a device on a different network from where the OnlyOffice install is located? If you only have difficulties when you're on the same network as your server, and trying to use the outside IP address, then your Internet router is non-reentrant.

In this case the issue has to do with network packets going out to the Internet via your router's WAN port and then doubling back in again - such traffic confuses many routers. The work-around I use is to setup an authoritative DNS server for my HomeLab. I enable port forwarding as usual, but my internal DNS Server points onlyoffice.mydomain.tld to my local IP address, whereas outside-originating connections use public-facing DNS servers to send traffic for your same domain name (subdomain) to your router, where port forwarding takes care of the request.