ONLYOFFICE / DocumentServer

ONLYOFFICE Docs is a free collaborative online office suite comprising viewers and editors for texts, spreadsheets and presentations, forms and PDF, fully compatible with Office Open XML formats: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx and enabling collaborative editing in real time.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Dark mode/theme #1008

Closed Virtheon closed 3 years ago

Virtheon commented 5 years ago

Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? A feature.

What is the current behavior? The only application colouring is blue/green/orange and white.

What is the feature? I'd like to see an option to opt for a dark (black/dark grey) theme for the application, like Office or LibreOffice offer. I know it's a minor thing, but I quite miss it, and it'd make the OnlyOffice seem more complete and just generally polished.

Which versions of DesktopEditors, and which OS are affected by this issue? Did this work in previous versions of DesktopEditors? All versions and OSes, as far as I'm aware.

Rita-Bubnova commented 5 years ago

Hello, @CodingEagle02. Thank you. We already thought about this, issue 37457 in our internal issue tracker.

Yorper commented 4 years ago

Would love a dark theme. Thanks.

dylanmartinezs commented 4 years ago

Any news on this?

Rita-Bubnova commented 4 years ago

@rataman098, sorry, no news.

florealcab commented 4 years ago

I could love onlyoffice if a dark mode is added to it! :)

hinell commented 4 years ago

Thumbing this up.

lucashooten commented 4 years ago

This is the only thing keeping me from switching over at this point!

codic12 commented 4 years ago


digiproc commented 4 years ago


setzor commented 4 years ago

^Same same

ben2ben4042 commented 4 years ago

Plus one.. I love love love only office, but it sooo doesn't fit my KDE dark theme I got going on. :)

SamuXzX commented 4 years ago

Was searching an alternative with dark mode, but I'm setting up a Nextcloud server and Onlyoffice would be amazing

Cryental commented 4 years ago

Still no dark mode :(

DillonHansen71 commented 4 years ago

I support a dark mode! ^_^

yozachar commented 4 years ago

I'm downloading... hoping it would be implemented soon :)

gaetandezeiraud commented 4 years ago

Me to @joe733!

rtlewis88 commented 4 years ago

My GTK-based, theming team has become inundated with requests to design a dark mode for your desktop apps. We handle many of the accessibility needs for Linux, and have to inquire whether you are you aware that up to 20% of all Linux users are in need of an accessibility (very dark) mode for their apps. In these situations, dark is not a preference, it is a functional need - the users are disabled to a degree which makes them need a dark environment to do anything. As some of our users have been making this request to us, for the better part of two years, I must now ask your team why your users are so unacknowledged here. I explained that 'onlyoffice' apps are not built on a GTK-based platform, so we cannot just do that for them.

Regards, Randall T. Lewis - Team Lead

rtlewis88 commented 4 years ago

@joe733, I was checking back, to follow up on my user requests piling up, and I noticed you applied a confused emoji to my first comment. Was that directed to me or ONLYOFFICE - so, I can clear up any confusion on my end. I researched ONLYOFFICE, and saw the editor is really getting some good feedback; I was impressed. Ironically, the only issue I saw was a good bit concerning the missing dark mode vis-a-vis the offline version.

yozachar commented 4 years ago

I explained that 'onlyoffice' apps are not built on a GTK-based platform, so we cannot just do that for them.

@rtlewis88, I found this statement confusing. I understand the part that onlyoffice is not GTK based.

rtlewis88 commented 4 years ago

@joe733, "Am I correct in assuming that you are a separate team working with GTK applications?"

Yes, we are in charge of Arc, and dark-mode variants of Chrome OS now, plus, 72 other dark-mode GTK themes for Linux. We also provide GTK dark-mode theming for some of the Manjaro, Pop!_OS and Ubuntu distros.

Regards, RTL

ycgoldsmith commented 4 years ago

Hundreds of millions of people, globally, suffer from some condition which caused debilitating sensitivities to light. It is called photophobia, and can easily be verified via a ton of webpages dedicated to the accessibility requirements.

For you guys not to provide a dark mode - or craft your app so it uses the OS's theme, is no different than owners of a shopping mall refusing to put a wheelchair ramp up for their disabled customers. Except, there are a whole lot more people with photophobia than in wheelchairs.

Advantages of dark backgrounds on computer displays:

Eye fatigue from glare is reduced, Flicker problems (if they exist) are reduced by dark backgrounds, Some medical conditions (e.g. photophobia) are less aggravated by dark backgrounds, Colors, when used to convey information like syntax highlighting, are easier to notice against a dark background, Less blue light could mean less disruption to the body’s sleep cycle if using the display in the evening, On most displays, dark colors save electricity,

It is about time y'all do the right thing by us.

Oh, and ignoring rtl88-themes is a pretty dumb move in the Linux world - those guys are about as powerful and influential as they come (they all have a Ph.D too).

Thanks for an truly awesome, yet, useless (for many) product!


keybreak commented 4 years ago

Dark theme please, this is big miss! :+1:

djgeloofficial commented 4 years ago

Please give us dark mode

harshmandan commented 4 years ago

Any internal approx ETA?

tesla963 commented 4 years ago

I understand you are working on darkmode, and on March 18 2020 you announced mobile office suite for iOS and added Dark Mode.

I do have issues with my eyes, and dark mode has helped me a lot. I am using linux mint cinamon. everything is setup to dark mode. Even people I know like the dark mode is less stressfull.

I just installed your program today an uninstalled inmediatly. I will wait until you finish adding dark mode, because as it is, is double the contrast, now that most of desktops and applications offer the dark mode option.

I hope that dark mode for onlyofice will be ready soon, thanks a lot!

MostHated commented 4 years ago

I was excited when I first learned about this suite the other day, I figured that it must have a dark theme. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem so yet.

Please advise when it is added and I will gladly reinstall it. I just can't do applications that are that bright. Which sucks, I spent 15x more time looking for alternatives to things that I can stand to look at without getting a headache, than I would just doing the darn thing I needed to do.

jaredweinfurtner commented 4 years ago

A dark theme would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo welcomed.

gusandrianos commented 3 years ago

+1, we really need a Dark theme! Great suite!

Rita-Bubnova commented 3 years ago

This issue actual in Document Server.

ShockwaveNN commented 3 years ago

We are moved this issue to DocumentServer repo, since it's our base product and problem actual there too

ArchOwlen commented 3 years ago

It is difficult for me to use programs that do not have a dark mode, so I am also adding my support for this feature!

Specifically hoping for Linux and/or Android support!

manen commented 3 years ago

I'd love to see dark mode, it'd be very good

aavgoustis commented 3 years ago

Before I say anything, I love ONLYOFFICE. But I find apps with light theme very difficult to use, that's why I'd really like to see dark mode. That's the only thing keeping me from completely switching to ONLYOFFICE at this point. I know the program is not developed using GTK, but I hope there is another way to implement it :)

ghost commented 3 years ago

Here I am, once again asking for your accesibility support, we need a dark theme, it is the only thing I miss right now, we know you can do it, come on!, Thanks

tanekere commented 3 years ago

I have a suggestion: In my humble opinion, some way to customise the colours(eg. a dotfile) is a better thing to do than straightup implement the theme yourselves. Implementing a dark theme will is quite a significant ask and presents some design challenges that require quite some UI/UX design prowess to overcome.
This is an open-source project and I am sure the community will do a fabulous job designing colour schemes. This approach allows better integration into Linux desktops via theme engines. You can just pick the theme you guys find the best and make it your default theme if you want to.
If I am not mistaken, the editors are styled using CSS. So this can be implemented by allowing us to change some CSS variables thus reducing work for the core team.

manen commented 3 years ago

Yes, that's probably a better way to approach this.

benji88i commented 3 years ago

dark theme would be great!

LeSnake04 commented 3 years ago

I also would love this feature.

I may switch over from LibreOffice entirely if this gets added ...

chetanpandey1266 commented 3 years ago

Dark theme is must...please make it happen

DimitarSamarov07 commented 3 years ago

That's the only thing keeping me back from using ONLYOFFICE. Please make a Dark theme that's not a good to have thing, that's a must have.

LeSnake04 commented 3 years ago

I have a suggestion: In my humble opinion, some way to customise the colours(eg. a dotfile) is a better thing to do than straightup implement the theme yourselves. Implementing a dark theme will is quite a significant ask and presents some design challenges that require quite some UI/UX design prowess to overcome. This is an open-source project and I am sure the community will do a fabulous job designing colour schemes. This approach allows better integration into Linux desktops via theme engines. You can just pick the theme you guys find the best and make it your default theme if you want to. If I am not mistaken, the editors are styled using CSS. So this can be implemented by allowing us to change some CSS variables thus reducing work for the core team.

This would be even better, since we then will get a selection out of many themes made by the community instead just 2-4 themes made by the devs

But I would be fine with 1 dark theme too!

bphd commented 3 years ago

Do you want to request a feature or report a bug?

What is the current behavior?

White, all white, eyes strain everywhere

If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem.

Open a document, or even the software and BAM, light at profusion

What is the expected behavior?

An option in the parameters to set the UI in dark and to invert text/BG colors of the document (only for the purpose or using in through ONLYOFFICE, the exported/saved document still in original defined colors, not the dark adaptation)

Which versions of DesktopEditors, and which OS are affected by this issue? Did this work in previous versions of DesktopEditors?

Latest, Linux, no

darkRaspberry commented 3 years ago

I don't want to add any duplicate issue.

maxkadushkin commented 3 years ago

@beerbears, dark theme is under development now. it's planned in ver 6.3

jebjordan commented 3 years ago

Really hoping that when this is done it's announced in some big way so that people know about it. Really like this but need a dark mode.

janxkoci commented 3 years ago

So I learnt before that ONLYOFFICE uses javascript for macros. I happen to have some javascript snippets which I use as bookmarklets in web browsers to switch websites to nightmode. So I naively tried two of them as macros and they kind of worked. I got dark UI with the first one (it makes negative of a page), but the page was still white (see below). The third one made everything dark grey, including the page, but text was not visible.

Here is a screenshot for the first snippet:

Snímek z 2021-01-18 20-19-11

Anyway, this was just a very dumb experiment and I still got more far than I expected. The scripts are designed for webpages, not office UI, but still I got something. If somebody knows more about javascript and the internals of ONLYOFFICE, I'm sure they can write a macro that actually works. The UI can clearly be modified using macros this way.

bphd commented 3 years ago

The problem is not about difficulty to do this modification, even in dev side

Like you saw even one command submitted to the browser engine can make almost all the work. Web apps are really much easier to maintain and change

If this problem is still here since years it's because of the team priorities and capacities. It seems that they're not that much to resolve issues fast enough and that they don't care about these kind of asks, in other words it's not prioritized

Even if it takes like 2 hours to decide about the new color design/chart and 5-15 minutes to implement it. It's not about time or difficulty, but priorization

janxkoci commented 3 years ago

I get that, I just noticed there is a lot of people demanding this feature and I thought I could show some way to hack this yourself.

However getting dark mode right is no small feat, definitely not something that can be done in hours, so I understand they take their time.

bphd commented 3 years ago

I count in effective work time, not office work time where you do a lot of things at the same time and in final you take 2 weeks to finish a task. I only talk about time where they effectively think about that, discuss about that, manipulating about that, in total it makes something like 2 or 3 hours for design and 5-15 minutes in coding (only coding, not all the other process between dev and effective downloadable software)

janxkoci commented 3 years ago

Same for me, but this cannot be designed in hours. It's not just UI, but also all colour palettes have to be checked with the new design for legibility, contrast and so on. Track changes should be readable. Some people use redshifting / blue light filters for better sleep cycles (also mentioned above in this thread) which should be considered too. There is a lot of decisions to be made. Maybe the coding part can be done in hours, but design that works at least for most people will take significantly more time than that.

Edit: And I forgot all the people with some sort of colourblindness. Funny, I'm one of them.