ONLYOFFICE / DocumentServer

ONLYOFFICE Docs is a free collaborative online office suite comprising viewers and editors for texts, spreadsheets and presentations, forms and PDF, fully compatible with Office Open XML formats: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx and enabling collaborative editing in real time.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Security vulnerabilities in dependencies #1799

Closed JMoVS closed 3 weeks ago

JMoVS commented 2 years ago

Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? Bug/outdated dependencies What is the current behavior? While self-building document server, npm reports multiple vulnerabilities If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem. Building myself shows multiple problems - here is the extract of the npm audits:

Why are these dependencies out of date? And did you consider using the github tools to have a badge in the readme to check for outdated and vulnerable npm package versions?

DocumentServer version: 7.1.1 build tools 44

/build/server/DocService# npm audit

                       === npm audit security report ===                        

# Run  npm install ejs@3.1.8  to resolve 1 vulnerability
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ Critical      │ Template injection in ejs                                    │
│ Package       │ ejs                                                          │
│ Dependency of │ ejs                                                          │
│ Path          │ ejs                                                          │
│ More info     │            │

# Run  npm install redis@4.1.0  to resolve 1 vulnerability
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ High          │ Potential exponential regex in monitor mode                  │
│ Package       │ redis                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ redis                                                        │
│ Path          │ redis                                                        │
│ More info     │            │

│                                Manual Review                                 │
│            Some vulnerabilities require your attention to resolve            │
│                                                                              │
│         Visit for additional guidance          │
│ High          │ Crash in HeaderParser in dicer                               │
│ Package       │ dicer                                                        │
│ Patched in    │ No patch available                                           │
│ Dependency of │ multer                                                       │
│ Path          │ multer > busboy > dicer                                      │
│ More info     │            │
found 3 vulnerabilities (2 high, 1 critical) in 166 scanned packages
  2 vulnerabilities require semver-major dependency updates.
  1 vulnerability requires manual review. See the full report for details.
/build/web-apps/build# npm audit

                       === npm audit security report ===                        

# Run  npm install --save-dev mocha@10.0.0  to resolve 1 vulnerability
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ Critical      │ Prototype Pollution in minimist                              │
│ Package       │ minimist                                                     │
│ Dependency of │ mocha [dev]                                                  │
│ Path          │ mocha > mkdirp > minimist                                    │
│ More info     │            │

# Run  npm update minimist --depth 8  to resolve 4 vulnerabilities
│ Critical      │ Prototype Pollution in minimist                              │
│ Package       │ minimist                                                     │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-svgmin                                                 │
│ Path          │ grunt-svgmin > svgo > mkdirp > minimist                      │
│ More info     │            │

│ Critical      │ Prototype Pollution in minimist                              │
│ Package       │ minimist                                                     │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-contrib-imagemin                                       │
│ Path          │ grunt-contrib-imagemin > imagemin-svgo > svgo > mkdirp >     │
│               │ minimist                                                     │
│ More info     │            │

│ Critical      │ Prototype Pollution in minimist                              │
│ Package       │ minimist                                                     │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-mocha [dev]                                            │
│ Path          │ grunt-mocha > grunt-lib-phantomjs > phantomjs-prebuilt >     │
│               │ extract-zip > mkdirp > minimist                              │
│ More info     │            │

│ Critical      │ Prototype Pollution in minimist                              │
│ Package       │ minimist                                                     │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-contrib-imagemin                                       │
│ Path          │ grunt-contrib-imagemin > imagemin-gifsicle > gifsicle >      │
│               │ logalot > squeak > lpad-align > meow > minimist              │
│ More info     │            │

# Run  npm update grunt --depth 1  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
│ Moderate      │ Path Traversal in Grunt                                      │
│ Package       │ grunt                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ grunt                                                        │
│ Path          │ grunt                                                        │
│ More info     │            │

│ High          │ Race Condition in Grunt                                      │
│ Package       │ grunt                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ grunt                                                        │
│ Path          │ grunt                                                        │
│ More info     │            │

# Run  npm update ansi-regex --depth 5  to resolve 1 vulnerability
│ High          │  Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in                │
│               │ chalk/ansi-regex                                             │
│ Package       │ ansi-regex                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ mocha [dev]                                                  │
│ Path          │ mocha > wide-align > string-width > strip-ansi > ansi-regex  │
│ More info     │            │

# Run  npm update async --depth 2  to resolve 1 vulnerability
│ High          │ Prototype Pollution in async                                 │
│ Package       │ async                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-contrib-clean                                          │
│ Path          │ grunt-contrib-clean > async                                  │
│ More info     │            │

# Run  npm update jpeg-js --depth 6  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
│ Moderate      │ Infinite loop in jpeg-js                                     │
│ Package       │ jpeg-js                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-spritesmith                                            │
│ Path          │ grunt-spritesmith > spritesmith > pixelsmith > get-pixels >  │
│               │ jpeg-js                                                      │
│ More info     │            │

│ Moderate      │ Infinite loop in jpeg-js                                     │
│ Package       │ jpeg-js                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ 6f1a1da87ec9e0bc0b45606278b8cc3c3ef5e96bbf8f301eec97353de9d… │
│ Path          │ 6f1a1da87ec9e0bc0b45606278b8cc3c3ef5e96bbf8f301eec97353de9d… │
│               │ > grunt-spritesmith > spritesmith > pixelsmith > get-pixels  │
│               │ > jpeg-js                                                    │
│ More info     │            │

│                                Manual Review                                 │
│            Some vulnerabilities require your attention to resolve            │
│                                                                              │
│         Visit for additional guidance          │
│ High          │ Regular expression denial of service in glob-parent          │
│ Package       │ glob-parent                                                  │
│ Patched in    │ >=5.1.2                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ vinyl-fs                                                     │
│ Path          │ vinyl-fs > glob-stream > glob-parent                         │
│ More info     │            │
│ High          │ Regular expression denial of service in glob-parent          │
│ Package       │ glob-parent                                                  │
│ Patched in    │ >=5.1.2                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-contrib-imagemin                                       │
│ Path          │ grunt-contrib-imagemin > imagemin > globby > fast-glob >     │
│               │ glob-parent                                                  │
│ More info     │            │
│ Critical      │ Prototype Pollution in minimist                              │
│ Package       │ minimist                                                     │
│ Patched in    │ >=1.2.6                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-mocha [dev]                                            │
│ Path          │ grunt-mocha > mocha > mkdirp > minimist                      │
│ More info     │            │
│ Moderate      │ Prototype Pollution in minimist                              │
│ Package       │ minimist                                                     │
│ Patched in    │ >=0.2.1                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-mocha [dev]                                            │
│ Path          │ grunt-mocha > mocha > mkdirp > minimist                      │
│ More info     │            │
│ Critical      │ Incorrect Handling of Non-Boolean Comparisons During         │
│               │ Minification in uglify-js                                    │
│ Package       │ uglify-js                                                    │
│ Patched in    │ >=2.4.24                                                     │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-inline                                                 │
│ Path          │ grunt-inline > uglify-js                                     │
│ More info     │            │
│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service in uglify-js            │
│ Package       │ uglify-js                                                    │
│ Patched in    │ >=2.6.0                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-inline                                                 │
│ Path          │ grunt-inline > uglify-js                                     │
│ More info     │            │
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service in clean-css            │
│ Package       │ clean-css                                                    │
│ Patched in    │ >=4.1.11                                                     │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-inline                                                 │
│ Path          │ grunt-inline > clean-css                                     │
│ More info     │            │
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service in clean-css            │
│ Package       │ clean-css                                                    │
│ Patched in    │ >=4.1.11                                                     │
│ Dependency of │ less-plugin-clean-css                                        │
│ Path          │ less-plugin-clean-css > clean-css                            │
│ More info     │            │
│ High          │ Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in trim-newlines           │
│ Package       │ trim-newlines                                                │
│ Patched in    │ >=3.0.1                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-contrib-imagemin                                       │
│ Path          │ grunt-contrib-imagemin > imagemin-gifsicle > gifsicle >      │
│               │ logalot > squeak > lpad-align > meow > trim-newlines         │
│ More info     │            │
│ High          │ Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in nth-check       │
│ Package       │ nth-check                                                    │
│ Patched in    │ >=2.0.1                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-svgmin                                                 │
│ Path          │ grunt-svgmin > svgo > css-select > nth-check                 │
│ More info     │            │
│ High          │ Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in nth-check       │
│ Package       │ nth-check                                                    │
│ Patched in    │ >=2.0.1                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-contrib-imagemin                                       │
│ Path          │ grunt-contrib-imagemin > imagemin-svgo > svgo > css-select > │
│               │ nth-check                                                    │
│ More info     │            │
│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDOS)                 │
│ Package       │ semver-regex                                                 │
│ Patched in    │ >=3.1.3                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-contrib-imagemin                                       │
│ Path          │ grunt-contrib-imagemin > imagemin-gifsicle > gifsicle >      │
│               │ bin-wrapper > bin-version-check > bin-version >              │
│               │ find-versions > semver-regex                                 │
│ More info     │            │
│ Low           │ Regular expression denial of service in semver-regex         │
│ Package       │ semver-regex                                                 │
│ Patched in    │ >=3.1.4                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ grunt-contrib-imagemin                                       │
│ Path          │ grunt-contrib-imagemin > imagemin-gifsicle > gifsicle >      │
│               │ bin-wrapper > bin-version-check > bin-version >              │
│               │ find-versions > semver-regex                                 │
│ More info     │            │
found 24 vulnerabilities (3 low, 4 moderate, 10 high, 7 critical) in 880 scanned packages
  run `npm audit fix` to fix 10 of them.
  1 vulnerability requires semver-major dependency updates.
  13 vulnerabilities require manual review. See the full report for details.
/build/web-apps/vendor/framework7-react# npm audit

                       === npm audit security report ===                        

# Run  npm install --save-dev cpy-cli@4.1.0  to resolve 1 vulnerability
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ High          │ Regular expression denial of service in glob-parent          │
│ Package       │ glob-parent                                                  │
│ Dependency of │ cpy-cli [dev]                                                │
│ Path          │ cpy-cli > cpy > globby > fast-glob > glob-parent             │
│ More info     │            │

# Run  npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server@4.9.2  to resolve 7 vulnerabilities
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ High          │ Regular expression denial of service in glob-parent          │
│ Package       │ glob-parent                                                  │
│ Dependency of │ webpack-dev-server [dev]                                     │
│ Path          │ webpack-dev-server > chokidar > glob-parent                  │
│ More info     │            │

│ Moderate      │ Open Redirect in node-forge                                  │
│ Package       │ node-forge                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ webpack-dev-server [dev]                                     │
│ Path          │ webpack-dev-server > selfsigned > node-forge                 │
│ More info     │            │

│ Low           │ Prototype Pollution in node-forge debug API.                 │
│ Package       │ node-forge                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ webpack-dev-server [dev]                                     │
│ Path          │ webpack-dev-server > selfsigned > node-forge                 │
│ More info     │            │

│ Low           │ URL parsing in node-forge could lead to undesired behavior.  │
│ Package       │ node-forge                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ webpack-dev-server [dev]                                     │
│ Path          │ webpack-dev-server > selfsigned > node-forge                 │
│ More info     │            │

│ Moderate      │ Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature in          │
│               │ `node-forge`                                                 │
│ Package       │ node-forge                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ webpack-dev-server [dev]                                     │
│ Path          │ webpack-dev-server > selfsigned > node-forge                 │
│ More info     │            │

│ High          │ Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature in          │
│               │ node-forge                                                   │
│ Package       │ node-forge                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ webpack-dev-server [dev]                                     │
│ Path          │ webpack-dev-server > selfsigned > node-forge                 │
│ More info     │            │

│ High          │ Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature in          │
│               │ node-forge                                                   │
│ Package       │ node-forge                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ webpack-dev-server [dev]                                     │
│ Path          │ webpack-dev-server > selfsigned > node-forge                 │
│ More info     │            │

# Run  npm install --save-dev css-minimizer-webpack-plugin@4.0.0  to resolve 1 vulnerability
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ High          │ Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in nth-check       │
│ Package       │ nth-check                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ css-minimizer-webpack-plugin [dev]                           │
│ Path          │ css-minimizer-webpack-plugin > cssnano >                     │
│               │ cssnano-preset-default > postcss-svgo > svgo > css-select >  │
│               │ nth-check                                                    │
│ More info     │            │

# Run  npm update minimist --depth 7  to resolve 4 vulnerabilities
│ Critical      │ Prototype Pollution in minimist                              │
│ Package       │ minimist                                                     │
│ Dependency of │ @babel/core [dev]                                            │
│ Path          │ @babel/core > json5 > minimist                               │
│ More info     │            │

│ Critical      │ Prototype Pollution in minimist                              │
│ Package       │ minimist                                                     │
│ Dependency of │ copy-webpack-plugin [dev]                                    │
│ Path          │ copy-webpack-plugin > loader-utils > json5 > minimist        │
│ More info     │            │

│ Critical      │ Prototype Pollution in minimist                              │
│ Package       │ minimist                                                     │
│ Dependency of │ workbox-webpack-plugin [dev]                                 │
│ Path          │ workbox-webpack-plugin > workbox-build > @babel/core > json5 │
│               │ > minimist                                                   │
│ More info     │            │

│ Critical      │ Prototype Pollution in minimist                              │
│ Package       │ minimist                                                     │
│ Dependency of │ css-minimizer-webpack-plugin [dev]                           │
│ Path          │ css-minimizer-webpack-plugin > cssnano >                     │
│               │ cssnano-preset-default > postcss-svgo > svgo > mkdirp >      │
│               │ minimist                                                     │
│ More info     │            │

# Run  npm update ejs --depth 4  to resolve 1 vulnerability
│ Critical      │ Template injection in ejs                                    │
│ Package       │ ejs                                                          │
│ Dependency of │ workbox-webpack-plugin [dev]                                 │
│ Path          │ workbox-webpack-plugin > workbox-build >                     │
│               │ @surma/rollup-plugin-off-main-thread > ejs                   │
│ More info     │            │

# Run  npm update eventsource --depth 3  to resolve 1 vulnerability
│ Critical      │ Exposure of Sensitive Information in eventsource             │
│ Package       │ eventsource                                                  │
│ Dependency of │ webpack-dev-server [dev]                                     │
│ Path          │ webpack-dev-server > sockjs-client > eventsource             │
│ More info     │            │

# Run  npm update async --depth 3  to resolve 1 vulnerability
│ High          │ Prototype Pollution in async                                 │
│ Package       │ async                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ webpack-dev-server [dev]                                     │
│ Path          │ webpack-dev-server > portfinder > async                      │
│ More info     │            │

found 16 vulnerabilities (2 low, 2 moderate, 6 high, 6 critical) in 1237 scanned packages
  run `npm audit fix` to fix 7 of them.
  9 vulnerabilities require semver-major dependency updates.
ShockwaveNN commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for repord, I've created issue 57653 to handle dependencies for server repo

But not sure about web-apps repo, since last time we checked - all those dependencies are only on build level and it's safe to use our code in production mode

If you know how to trigger those vulnerabilities and really do some dangerous stuff - you can contact

trofim24 commented 3 weeks ago

We've fixed Critical problems.