ONLYOFFICE / onlyoffice-nextcloud

The app which enables the users to edit office documents from Nextcloud using ONLYOFFICE Document Server, allows multiple users to collaborate in real time and to save back those changes to Nextcloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Opening shared PDF through Nextcloud Fileviewer works but throws an error message "there is no plugin available to display this file type" #1001

Closed Mer0me closed 1 week ago

Mer0me commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry for this long title, but each word is important. :)

Onlyoffice is set to open PDF files on my nextcloud instance. It works perfectly when you open the PDF through a nextcloud internal link (/f/), but when the PDF is shared (/s/), the nextcloud viewer claims "there is no plugin available to display this file type" before opening the file very well with onlyoffice.

files_pdfviewer app is disabled.

Is there a way to avoid this error message ?

Nextcloud 29.0.2 OnlyOffice server 8.1 OnlyOffice App 9.2.2

alexanderonlyoffice commented 1 week ago

hello @Mer0me, unfortunately, we cannot reproduce the case on our end. Is it possible to get a test account on your instance? If yes, please send the credentials to with a subject "For technical support 2 Level".

Mer0me commented 1 week ago

Hello, you don't need an account as the error message appears for shared PDF. I've just sent you a link to a shared PDF showing the error message. I manage two instances of Nextcloud and they both have this behavior.

alexanderonlyoffice commented 1 week ago

Ok, thank you. We are analyzing it at the moment.

Please specify the full list of the apps installed on both of your Nextcloud instances, it might be that some app except files_pdfviewer is affecting it.

Mer0me commented 1 week ago

Instance 1 :


Instance 2 : root@cloud:/var/www/nextcloud# sudo -u www-data php8.1 occ app:list Enabled:

Mer0me commented 1 week ago

Nevermind, you point me to the right direction. We have customized an application and this was the faulty one. I'm sorry.

alexanderonlyoffice commented 1 week ago

We are glad the issue has been resolved. Could you please specify the changes you did, just in case anybody else encounter the same problem?

Mer0me commented 1 week ago

We have used the file_pdfviewer app as a template for an app displaying eml messages through the nextcloud viewer. For some reason, this new app seems to react when a PDF is opened by onlyoffice, we have to figure out why. It's a very specific use case, I doubt someone else encounter the problem...

alexanderonlyoffice commented 1 week ago

Ok, thank you very much for the clarification.