ONLYOFFICE / onlyoffice-nextcloud

The app which enables the users to edit office documents from Nextcloud using ONLYOFFICE Document Server, allows multiple users to collaborate in real time and to save back those changes to Nextcloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Stops working after upgrading to NC28 #916

Open ueismann opened 9 months ago

ueismann commented 9 months ago

After upgrading and updating system + NC + Apps, then trying to open document in web interface: "Onlyoffice cannot be reached, contact your administrator."

Nextcloud Server version 28.0.0

Operating system Debian/Ubuntu

Web server Apache (supported)

Database engine version MariaDB

OO connector App version 9.0.0

SergeyKorneyev commented 9 months ago

Please try opening the ONLYOFFICE connector settings and saving them again.

ueismann commented 9 months ago

I tried the following:

Unfortunately none of this helped. Am I supposed to change the settings anyhow?

NSO73 commented 9 months ago

Hi. Same issue here.

Log :

Exception array_merge(): Argument #2 must be of type array, null given in file '[...]/lib/public/AppFramework/Http/Response.php' line 273

ueismann commented 9 months ago

I tried the following:

Unfortunately none of this helped. Am I supposed to change the settings anyhow?

...using the Demo ONLYOFFICE Server in the connector settings works (connects but hangs at "Loading..."), but doesn't solve the problem of course.

deganl commented 9 months ago

+1 same issue after upgrading to 28.0.0

ueismann commented 9 months ago
webworka commented 9 months ago

+1 Same issue here after upgrade to 28.0.0/28.0.1

But I found a workaround: In file lib/public/AppFramework/Http/Response.php, line 273:

Old Code:

return array_merge($mergeWith, $this->headers);

New Code:

return array_merge($mergeWith, $this->headers?? []);

I know this is not a real solution but I got onlyoffice back now.

ueismann commented 9 months ago

Thx!, works here.

claushviid commented 9 months ago

ame issue here after upgrade to 28.0.1

claushviid commented 9 months ago

Old Code: return array_merge($mergeWith, $this->headers); New Code: return array_merge($mergeWith, $this->headers?? []);

Did not work, now i receive the message onlyoffice can not be reached. Contact admiistrator

aigarslv90 commented 9 months ago

Check path in your Server settings in ONLYOFFICE Settings, it could have index.php in it - try removing it.

For example: change it to

claushviid commented 9 months ago

ok after changing lib/public/AppFramework/Http/Response.php, line 273: From Old Code: return array_merge($mergeWith, $this->headers); To New Code: return array_merge($mergeWith, $this->headers?? []);

and removing index.php from Server settings in ONLYOFFICE Settings

Everything works again. Thanks aigarslv90

v-bulynkin commented 9 months ago

To apply the workaround noninteractively:

sed -i '273s/headers.*/headers?? []);/' /var/www/html/lib/public/AppFramework/Http/Response.php
xyko0 commented 9 months ago

Hello, same issue here. The workaround doesn't work in my case 😭

sheep0lata commented 8 months ago

Hello, same issue here. The workaround doesn't work in my case 😭

Hi, the workaround didn't work at first for me neither but I had an other error. To resolve it I had to check if documentserver_community was installed, which seemed to be the case.

I had to download the app directly from Nextcloud's apps hub ( on the latest version then extract it in the apps folder.

OnlyOffice was back up after these modifications, hope it can help you.

Update to this answer : apparently OnlyOffice crashed 10 mins after fixing it, giving me two error messages : "Community document server is not supported for this instance, please setup and configure an external document server" "can't execute x2t binary, ensure php can execute binaries in the app folder"

I'm still trying to figure why this appears.

Second update : I just forgot to change the rights on the documentserver_community folder, fixed when changing the user and group (from root:root to www-data:www-data).

ueismann commented 8 months ago

Upgrade from 28.0.0 to 28.0.1: same issue, same solution. Please, we need a real fix.

a1ex-ak commented 8 months ago

Upgrade from 27.1.5 to 28.0.1: same issue, same solution. Please, we need a real fix.

rinkelzz commented 8 months ago

same issue... both workarounds doesn't work for me

deganl commented 8 months ago

No fix since over 4 weeks, really? I now switched to Collabora and everything works fine.

teachergil commented 8 months ago

I still have problems with onlyoffice app and nextcloud server. Will you have any fix???

claushviid commented 8 months ago

Will you have any fix???

rsedlmeier commented 8 months ago

No upgrade to NC 28 as OnlyOffice is critical to most users. Hope you eliminate that bug soon. Thx

rsedlmeier commented 8 months ago

Same issue /w 28.0.2

rsedlmeier commented 7 months ago

THis one worked for me on NC 28.0.2.

a1ex-ak commented 7 months ago


У меня это сработало на NC 28.0.2.

what do these teams do or improve? I don't understand.