An Open Nonlinear Structural Analysis Solver in Julia
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Error with module Meshes.jl #492

Closed tkrisnguyen closed 2 months ago

tkrisnguyen commented 2 months ago

In running some example in the package, when I run the code

mesh = Mesh(; nodes, elements)

it raises the following error message

ERROR: cannot assign a value to imported variable ONSAS.mesh from module Main

Please show me the way to fix it.

Thank you

mvanzulli commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reporting this 🌊 Oh interesting, that is "unexpected". Which example in particular ?

tkrisnguyen commented 2 months ago

I ran the cantilever.jl and clamped_truss.jl in the package. I have the message similar to what is shown below

Test Summary: | Pass Total Time Displacements at the right-most node | 3 3 0.0s Test.DefaultTestSet("Displacements at the right-most node", Any[], 3, false, false, true, 1.719540076606e9, 1.719540076606e9, false, "C:\Users\Julia\Downloads\JuliaDynFEM\vidu.jl")

This one is not error message. However, if I run step by step, the following commands

(; L, N, b, h, E, ρ, Px, Py) = parameters()
x_coords = range(0, L, N + 1)
nodes = [Node(xi, 0.0, 0.0) for xi in x_coords]
S = Rectangle(h, b)
frames = [Frame(nodes[j], nodes[j + 1], S) for j in 1:(length(nodes) - 1)]
mesh = Mesh(; nodes=nodes, elements=frames)

then, the error message appeared for the last command mesh = Mesh(; nodes=nodes, elements=frames)

Perharps I misunderstood at some point. Please show me where I was wrong in doing so.

Thank you.

mvanzulli commented 2 months ago

Ah I see where the issue comes from, but I don't think tehre is a bug here. If the error you are obtaining is:

ERROR: cannot assign a value to imported variable ONSAS.mesh from module Main
 [1] top-level scope
   @ .../ONSAS.jl/examples/clamped_truss/clamped_truss.jl:35

then is beacuse when you first run using ONSAS which exports mesh. That means you are going to have defined in the main scope:

 julia> Main.mesh
mesh (generic function with 2 methods)

so when you try to evaluate mesh = .... you get:

julia> mesh = 2
ERROR: cannot assign a value to imported variable ONSAS.mesh from module Main
 [1] top-level scope
   @ REPL[2]:1

rebinding is not allowed. You can fix this either using import ONSAS (a bit clunky) or just renaming the variable to avoid identifier conflicts:

    m = Mesh(; nodes, elements)

I am not against renaming the variable in the script if that helps you :)

Is this what is going on here ?

tkrisnguyen commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your explanation about the situation.

I still have another problem. I simpilified the example cantilever.jl a bit as given below

using Test
using ONSAS

"Return the problem parameters"
function parameters()
    L = 3                 # Length
    b = 0.2               # Cross-section Width
    h = 0.3               # Cross-section Height
    ρ = 2400              # Material density
    q = b * h * ρ * 9.81 # Distributed load
    Px = 1e2              # Nodal load in x
    Py = 1e3              # Nodal load in y
    E = 210e9             # Elastic Young's modulus.
    RTOL = 1e-4           # Relative tolerance for tests
    N = 5                 # Number of elements
    NSTEPS = 10           # Number of load factors steps
    (; b, h, ρ, q, Px, Py, E, RTOL, N, NSTEPS, L)

"Return the problem structural model"
function structure()
    (; L, N, b, h, E, ρ, Px, Py) = parameters()
    # -------------
    # Mesh
    # -------------
    x_coords = range(0, L, N + 1)
    nodes = [Node(xi, 0.0, 0.0) for xi in x_coords]
    S = Rectangle(h, b)
    frames = [Frame(nodes[j], nodes[j + 1], S) for j in 1:(length(nodes) - 1)]
    mesh = Mesh(; nodes=nodes, elements=frames)
    set_dofs!(mesh, :u, 3)
    set_dofs!(mesh, :θ, 3)
    # ------------------------
    # Materials
    # ------------------------
    i = IsotropicLinearElastic(E, 0.3)
    materials = StructuralMaterial(i => frames)
    # -------------------------------
    # Boundary conditions
    # -------------------------------
    bc1 = FixedDof(:u, [1, 2, 3])
    bc2 = FixedDof(:θ, [1, 2, 3])
    bc3 = GlobalLoad(:u, t -> [Px, -Py, 0])
    boundary_conditions = StructuralBoundaryCondition(bc1 => [nodes[1]], bc2 => [nodes[1]],
                                                      bc3 => [nodes[end]])

    Structure(mesh, materials, boundary_conditions)

"Return the problem solution"
function solve()
    s = structure()
    # -------------------------------
    # Structural Analysis
    # -------------------------------
    (; NSTEPS) = parameters()
    sa = NonLinearStaticAnalysis(s; NSTEPS=NSTEPS)
    # -------------------------------
    # Numerical solution
    # -------------------------------
    solve!(sa, NewtonRaphson())

sol = solve()

Then, when I run it, I have got the following error message:

ERROR: type StaticState has no field iter_state

Please help me to fix this.

Thank you

mvanzulli commented 2 months ago

True, this is an actual issue in the Base.show() which only prints the solution in the REPL. However, the solution object sol is correct. Feel free to open a new issue with a minimal reproducible example, and we can discuss it there.

mvanzulli commented 2 months ago

Btw you can take a look here for some cotributing guidelines 🤗 . Thanks for reporting the bug 💯

mvanzulli commented 1 month ago

FYI the issue you commented was here thanks for reaching out :)