[x] In the catalog.py the configure_dcat_dataset will need to be reworked
[ ] ArbitraryRdf.py possibly a new Enum value is needed or change the CatalogDataset?
SJ comment - I don't think so - the RdfSerialisationHint.CatalogDataset is only being used for codelists at the moment (see follow-up ticket on converting codelists to dcat:Distributions)
[x] QbDataSetInCatalog.py does the QbDataSetInCatalog class would need change when it comes to inputs.
It would continue to take in the qb:DataSet but would also need the dcat:Distribution instead of the dcat:Dataset.
[ ] ConceptSchemeInCatalog.py does the ConceptSchemeInCatalog class need a change similar to the QbDataSetInCatalog.
SJ comment - not at the moment (see follow-up ticket on converting codelists to dcat:Distributions)
Possibly test will need change altho in the local version under the investigation no test broke.
**Inspect API
The inspect API will also need changes that have been adressed by Rob "the code which retrieves the catalogue metadata will not work with the new RDF structure/shape we're proposing to use here. We also need to worry about backwards compatibility there (i.e. making it able to read older shaped CSV-Ws as well as newer shaped CSV-Ws)".
Potentially this ticket could have a lot more work then estimated, in which case creating a separate for the remaining work would be suggested.
Possibly test will need change altho in the local version under the investigation no test broke.
**Inspect API
The inspect API will also need changes that have been adressed by Rob "the code which retrieves the catalogue metadata will not work with the new RDF structure/shape we're proposing to use here. We also need to worry about backwards compatibility there (i.e. making it able to read older shaped CSV-Ws as well as newer shaped CSV-Ws)".
Potentially this ticket could have a lot more work then estimated, in which case creating a separate for the remaining work would be suggested.