ONSdigital / design-system

ONS Design System
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Design and implement a filter pattern #3126

Open daniellecorke opened 3 months ago

daniellecorke commented 3 months ago


This issue has been split from #2815. We would like to introduce a filter pattern to the Design System. This will provide a new pattern that will be beneficial to users and reduce burden on designers and developers in teams using the Design System.

User Story

AS A Design System user I WANT a readily available filter pattern SO THAT I can efficiently implement a consistent and accessible filter within my design

Acceptance Criteria

SCENARIO 1: GIVEN a user is on the Design System webpage WHEN they click 'patterns' THEN they find a filter pattern with examples and code that can be copied


daniellecorke commented 1 month ago

On the UCD Board: https://jira.ons.gov.uk/browse/CU-101.