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New feedback pattern for eQ #3230

Open rmccar opened 4 weeks ago

rmccar commented 4 weeks ago

There is a new feedback pattern to be implemented in eQ. Currently eQ is using the current patten as documented on the service manual here. This uses the feedback call to action component which links to another page with a feedback form to fill in.

The new pattern shown in this overflow. This moves the feedback form from being on its own page to being inside what is now the call to action. This was decided because users were found to be more likely to fill in the feedback form if it was on the thank you page rather than if they had to navigate via the link to another page.

Because of this the documentation in the service manual will need to be updated and the component in the DS will need to be updated. As this component is only used by eQ and that pattern will no longer be used I think we should remove the component and add a feedback pattern instead which will show the user what the feedback form will look like and how to implement it.

marta-vinter commented 3 weeks ago

Waiting for UR documentation - Richard investigating

rmccar commented 3 weeks ago

eQ user research outcomes - https://confluence.ons.gov.uk/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=133930302#SatisfactionScale&signingupforresearch-mandatory

Findings from the UR sessions that this pattern was tested in https://confluence.ons.gov.uk/display/SDC/17+May+2022 https://confluence.ons.gov.uk/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=77301090