ONSdigital / design-system

ONS Design System
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Default display of code content for mobile #3233

Open e-livingstone opened 2 weeks ago

e-livingstone commented 2 weeks ago

Background For each component and pattern, the Nunjucks, Nunjucks macro options and HTML tabs (on a desktop view) are closed by default. For mobile, they are open by default.

UCD (Dina) has highlighted that this mobile experience requires a user to scroll extensively past the code, potentially missing content in between. There would be less burden if the default was closed.

User Story AS an Interaction Designer on mobile / smaller browser window I WANT to easily see components and guidance SO I can efficiently incorporate relevant components into my design

Acceptance Criteria SCENARIO 1: GIVEN WHEN THEN

e-livingstone commented 1 week ago

Need to consider accessibility criteria re tabs in mobile views.