ONSdigital / dp-find-insights-poc-api

Find Insights Proof of Concept
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fix inttests MatchingRespFile matching filenames with same prefix #120

Closed VivianAllen closed 2 years ago

VivianAllen commented 2 years ago

Fix issue where inttests/main.go MatchRespFile would mistake these two for the same response file, because they have the same prefix: census-tables-all-cols-single-row-6b9ff4934cdfbb586a3aa0a38c46d1f2cd3cc411 census-tables-all-cols-single-row-no-geography-393b71feac9169e275fe2a282dd2416eaaac4eb5

Fixed by comparing all except last 40 chars (sha1 length) of filenames rather than using strings.HasPrefix.


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