Added new construction surveys and kept old ones by putting 9 infront of the name.
How to review
Ensure that the old surveys are still accessibile and the new ones are there.
Ensure that the following AC is met on 0002 form type:
GIVEN I'm on the total number of employees breakdown question
and I cannot provide the answers
THEN I can continue to the next question without answering
[ ] New static content marked up for translation
[ ] Newly defined schema content included in eq-translations repo
What is the context of this PR?
Added new construction surveys and kept old ones by putting 9 infront of the name.
How to review
Ensure that the old surveys are still accessibile and the new ones are there.
Ensure that the following AC is met on 0002 form type:
GIVEN I'm on the total number of employees breakdown question and I cannot provide the answers THEN I can continue to the next question without answering